public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ms_michel with tag mono

September 2005

Atlas for Mono

"So, I read this blog entry about 6 hours ago, decided I needed to get to work, got some coffee, and have been typing pretty much non-stop since."

August 2005


Upload de fichiers compatible IIS, XSP et Apache et qui écrit directement sur disque


by 1 other
Site francophone consacré au projet Mono

July 2005

File upload in Mono's XSP

Par défaut, les uploads sous Mono 1.1.8 sont limités à 4096 ko

June 2005

DotNetOpenMail: an open source email library for

Envoyer des mails sans passer par Wystem.Web.Mail

May 2005

Mono Live CD

by 1 other (via)
Pour tester le .Net Framework sous Linux etq quelques unes des application .Net / Mono (Tomboy, Beagle...)

Grasshopper Developer Zone

by 2 others (via)
Plug-in Visual Studio .NET® pour développer des applications ASP.NET sur les plateformes Linux / Java.

Mono Mania

A Java developer talks about his migration to Mono: he needed a cross-platform GUI framework and good database support. He goes on to describe his experience at length on his `Mono for Fun' article.

March 2005

Miguel de Icaza Explains How to "Get" Mono

by 1 other (via)
"One of the reasons that we developed Mono was because we wanted to have better tools to develop software."


by 1 other (via)
Live CD Linux distribution with Mono, web server and MySQL

February 2005

Mono 1.1.4 and 1.0.6 have been released

Il est temps de passer à la version 1.1.4

Arc Focus

IBuySpy version Mono/PostGreSQL


by 1 other
IBuySpy version Mono/MySQL


by 4 others
Indexation et recherche en c#

ms_michel's TAGS related to tag mono

.net +   ajax +   asp.net2 +   atom +   c# +   calendar + +   developpement +   html +   ldap +   mysql +   photo-gallery +   postgresql +   pour-memoire +   publicité +   rails +   search +   upload +   vmware +   web-services +