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PUBLIC MARKS from ms_michel with tags javascript & ajax


Microsoft, jQuery, and Templating

If you don’t want to write JavaScript, then we recommend that you use the server controls in the Ajax Control Toolkit.

If, however, you are interested in creating client-side interactivity without server controls then we recommend that you use jQuery.


Tree Javscript

by 1 other
drag and drop dans les arbres, Ajax, ...


Newtonsoft Json.NET

he Json.NET API allows the simple and safe reading and writing of JSON objects from .NET. Using readers and writers, similar to .NET's XML API, Json.NET will be familiar to most .NET developers and makes passing messages between .NET and JavaScript a snap.

Really easy field validation with Prototype

by 11 others (via)
Valider vos champs via prototype.js + ! Très pratique

Nouvelle utilisation de l'attribut target

by 4 others (via)
L'attribut target du lien peut être utilisé pour spécifier l'ID d'un élément du document. Un clic sur le lien chargera alors le contenu du fichier directement dans cet élément.


ms_michel's TAGS related to tag javascript

.net +   address-book +   ajax +   chart +   cms +   css +   developpement +   flash-svg +   form +   html +   jeux +   jQuery +   map +   photo-gallery +   pour-memoire +   sitemap +   upload +   web-services +