08 April 2006
31 March 2006
29 March 2006
Bore Me - the best of your inbox - funny movies, funny pictures, games and jokes
by 4 othersfunny movies, funny pictures, games and jokes
Computer Stupidities: Hardware Abuse
Some of the things people do to computers is downright painful
Free Online Pregnancy Test
Think you may be pregnant? If you're concerned that you may be pregnant, take our free online pregnancy test from the privacy of your own home. No messy "stick" tests, no waiting, and best of all, our online pregnancy test results are guaranteed!
17 February 2006
16 February 2006
How to fail an exam
Ever go into an exam without a clue?
14 February 2006
IQ Tests Personality, Career, Emotional , Quiz, Love, Health, Typing, Love Fun Tests
Ranging from serious IQ tests to the Sexual Color Test! PLUS Free Online Interactive Computer Games!
(13 marks)