public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mikepower with tag fromDel

27 March 2006

Best of Both Worlds

Here's the latest from the AP's tendentious Nidra Pickler: "Founded by immigrants and praised as a haven for the oppressed, the United States now is struggling to decide the fate of as many as 12 million people living in the country illegally..." Send he

23 March 2006

The going rate for killing a 13 year-old school student is NIS 80,000.

A Givati Brigade officer will receive NIS 80,000 in compensation from the state after he was cleared of all charges in relating to the death of 13-year-old Palestinian girl, Iman Al Hamas, in the much-publicized "confirmed kill" affair.

22 March 2006

21 March 2006

10 March 2006

03 March 2006

Gender pay gap: what's it worth?

Girls may well opt for arts degrees over engineering, but that's not because nobody has told them that engineers earn more than academics - it's because the 'male' professions have fallen out of favour even among men.

01 March 2006

Barnacle Press

by 2 others
Great old comics site. 1000's of images

Guardian: Death of a professor

There is now a systematic campaign to assassinate Iraqis who speak out against the occupation

Armed Cheney to Guard Ports

“If anyone tries any funny business at one of our nation’s ports, they’re going to have to answer to this!” he declared, brandishing his shotgun for the benefit of reporters.

Who loves ya baby?

Profound pessimism about the Iraq war has pushed George Bush's popularity to an all-time low of 34%

28 February 2006

Dave on Mrs Mills. Buona giornata!

Lots of stuff and links on the David Mills/Tessa Jowell affair.

27 February 2006

Iraq's death squads: On the brink of civil war

Most of the corpses in Baghdad's mortuary show signs of torture and execution. And the Interior Ministry is being blamed.

26 February 2006

James Wolcott

"Worried as I am, I have not written Europe off yet," writes America's most dependable laxative. Europe heaved a huge sigh of relief upon hearing the news, then went back to coddling its Muslims in order to furnish Mark Steyn with future columns.

Once Upon a Time...: In Service of the New Fascism

Because I plan to refer to it in several upcoming pieces, I've reposted an essay I wrote in August 2003. It analyzes in some detail a "neoconservative manifesto" authored by Irving Kristol and published that month: In Service of the New Fascism. Arthur Si

25 February 2006

Jason Kottke and Micropatronage - Oh, what a year:

by 1 other
One year ago today, I asked the readers of to become micropatrons and support my efforts in producing the site for a year. I'm not going to be asking for contributions again.

Europhobia on Livingtone's suspension:

Does this mean I can get Tony Blair and Charles Clarke suspended from office for offending me EVERY SINGLE BLOODY DAY with their illiberal attacks on pretty much everything that used to make this country a place I could be proud to live?

24 February 2006

Backword: Dave Weeden's weblog

Dave's certainly back with a vengeance (in more ways than one) so go and check him out - before the medication wears off ;-)

23 February 2006

Chicken Yoghurt on The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill

The CBI were sanguine about swarthy suspects being sent to Guantanamo under the act but less happy when it was applied to wholesome white collar types. Where's Martin Niemöller when you need to misquote him?

22 February 2006