public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mikepower with tag fromDel

22 February 2006

A Coverup Under Two Presidents: The Unsolved Mystery of the Oklahoma City Bombing

Long before the Iraq war, long before 9/11, the U.S. government had already mastered the art of fluffing its intelligence on a looming threat, botching the response and then working furiously to cover its mistakes.

21 February 2006

The New Yorker: The Memo by Jane Mayer

How an internal effort to ban the abuse and torture of detainees was thwarted.

Majikthise : Blogs on Wieseltier on Dennett

Links to fiskings of Leon Wieseltier's review of Daniel Dennett's book 'Breaking the Spell'

MSN-Mainichi Daily News: Business News

Blogging has increasingly become more popular in China, with 52 percent of white-collar workers now keeping Weblogs...the Chinese white collar bloggers see complaining, and office and personal gossip as their priorities.

Her story: 'Beautiful madness' by Alexander Linklater

Psychiatric drugs restored Nia's sanity and destroyed her beauty, and she doesn't mind. A disturbing story of psychosis and its treatment

'The great divide' by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad

Cinema, literature and other aspects of western culture are increasingly open to Asian influence. Not so western philosophy

Living with mum

A new generation of young British men are putting off leaving home well into their 20s, government statistics reveal today.

US troops taught Iraqi gestures

The US military has funded a computer game to teach its troops how to use and decipher Iraqi body language.

16 February 2006

Jasem al-Aqrab: The Basra video should lay to rest a scurrilous lie

Since April 2003, the people of Basra have consistently been bemused by reports that they and their city enjoy a state of calm and stability under the command of the British forces, in contrast to the north of Iraq and the so-called Sunni triangle.

End of a shabby charade

The unexciting truth about yesterday's terrorism vote is that it is unlikely to make much difference one way or the other.

Making bad law worse

Creating a new offence of glorifying terrorism is hypocritical and a threat to legitimate debate

12 February 2006

Educators face blowback for protesting Iraq war

Just over three years ago, as the nation readied for war with Iraq, elementary school teacher Deb Mayer stood in front of her class and uttered the word that would get her blacklisted from her profession - 'Peace'

11 February 2006

village voice > news > Mondo Washington by James Ridgeway

since 9-11, in one test after another, news organizations using undercover teams have easily broken through the FAA security apparatus, rendering the entire business unworkable.

Cato Unbound: Theodore Dalrymple: Is “Old Europe” Doomed?

I wondered what happened to old Theo after he retired. I think he moved to France which, given his views on Europe, seems a strange choice. Why not Louisianna or Texas?

10 February 2006

Bloggerheads (UK) Tim Ireland: Now we're talking

A quiet word of advice for Mr Akkari... when the car leaves the ramp and becomes airborne, you will find the steering wheel to be of very little use.

09 February 2006


Reid seems to be suggesting that breaches of the established rules of warfare are excusable in a situation in which the warfare is abnormal. That breaches of the Geneva Convention should be ignored, because the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan is "specia

The Blog | Michelle Pilecki: The Huffington Post

Arms-control treaties, nuclear proliferation, weapons of mass destruction -- in dealing with these issues, does the State Department need career professionals who know what they're talking about? Apparently not

06 February 2006

xymphora: Danish cartooning

The conspiracy angle of this unnecessary crisis is that the Danes knew exactly what they were doing, and intended to provoke the violent Muslim reaction that they got.

Teen saves life of woman who saved his life

A teenager recently got the chance to thank the woman who saved his life - by saving hers. The 17-year-old successfully performed the Heimlich maneuver on the choking woman in the restaurant where he was washing dishes.

Winston-Salem Journal | Fatal motorcycle accidents are epidemic in troops returning from war zones

More US troops have died in off-duty motorcycle accidents since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, than have been killed in combat in Afghanistan over that same time, according to safety records.

CityDesk: CMS for windows from the renowned Fog Creek people

by 2 others
“...CityDesk [is] a fantastic low-cost desktop content management tool that revolutionizes the ease with which any journalist, researcher or writer can update and post to his web site without the need to go through a webmaster.”

05 February 2006

Catholic Online

Text of talk by Vatican Observatory director on ‘Science Does Not Need God. Or Does It? A Catholic Scientist Looks at Evolution’

David Aaronovitch Blog

By and large those of us who manage to get through the week without depicting the Pope as a geriatric paedophile, or the Chief Rabbi as a hook-nosed money-grubber, understand that this discussion should be as much about civility and tolerance...

Bartlett's Bizarre Bazaar: More on those cartoons

This is not about freedom of speech. Where were the campaigns to defend George Michael’s single ‘Shoot the Dog’? This single was not released in the US because it was controversially critical of US and UK foreign policy...