public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mikepower with tags fromDel & economics

May 2006

Medical marijuana | Reefer madness |

by 1 other
IF CANNABIS were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough.

March 2006

Gender pay gap: what's it worth?

Girls may well opt for arts degrees over engineering, but that's not because nobody has told them that engineers earn more than academics - it's because the 'male' professions have fallen out of favour even among men.

February 2006

Cato Unbound: Theodore Dalrymple: Is “Old Europe” Doomed?

I wondered what happened to old Theo after he retired. I think he moved to France which, given his views on Europe, seems a strange choice. Why not Louisianna or Texas?

July 2005

March 2005

Dick Taverne: A little pesticide does you good but 'organic' farming harms the world

Our health is threatened not by chemicals and GM crops but by the eco-fundamentalists and their crusade against intensive agriculture

January 2005

Ignore the vanity of the Bushites, America's might is draining away: Matthew Parris

For many decades America’s share of the world’s economic output has been in decline. America’s modesty in 1945 understated its muscle, Bushite vanity overstates it today.

Greed: The Nuts Game

Three people sit around a kitchen bowl. You, the fourth person, with a timer, start off placing ten small items in the bowl - quarters, dollar bills, or nuts. Tell the three players the goal is for each of them to get as many items as they can. Tell them