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PUBLIC MARKS from mikepower with tags bpost & fromDel

September 2005

Bush Braces As Cindy Sheehan's Other Son Drowns In New Orleans

President Bush is bracing for intensified criticism following Monday's report that the body of Tyler Sheehan, son of outspoken anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, was recovered from the receding floodwaters in New Orleans.

The Chicken Yoghurt: Who wants to see a Milburn hair?

A question that's been exercising me today is this: was Alan Milburn dropped on his head as a child? Why Castro Is A Better Leader Than Bush

Last year Hurricane Ivan struck at Cuba. They didn’t suffer a single casualty, because they successfully evacuated 1.9 million of the nation’s 11.2 million people.

The Blogging of the President

Iraq is a moral black hole, it is not the worst war America has ever fought - many of the Indian Wars were worse. Nor is it by any means the bloodiest. More military personnel died in single battles during the Civil War than have died total in Iraq, even

Teaching Intelligent design Empty lesson in flawed thinking By Michael Duffy

It's as surprising as if the Health Minister had said sorcery-based cures would be available on Medicare, or the Minister for Defence had advocated bows and arrows as an alternative to tanks and machine guns.

The Road To Surfdom: Mercy killings redux

New Orleans now is abortion free. New Orleans now is Mardi Gras free. New Orleans now is free of Southern Decadence and the sodomites, the witchcraft workers, false religion -- it's free of all of those things now," Shanks says. "God simply, I believe, in

Steve Gilliard: Save lives without permission-go to jail

A friend on a lawyer listserve sent me this story. This kid is definitely getting a pro bono lawyer. He found an abandoned bus in New Orleans, packed it with survivors, and drove it to the Astrodome. The reaction of the officials? They're going to charge

Kaye's Hurricane Katrina Blog

Looks like I'm not going anywhere for this hurricane, so if you want to know what is going on in Southern Louisiana then just stop by here for my little dispatches from the front lines

Limited, Inc.

I fell in love a dozen times in New Orleans; I learned politics there, and I learned to distrust the cops. I learned how to listen to opera, and how to snort coke. My first experience with acid was with my friend A. and her maniac Chilean boyfriend, who i

August 2005

Science And Politics

Red-State Serbian Jewish atheist liberal PhD student with Thesis-writing block and severe blogorrhea trying to understand US politics by making strange connections between science, religion, brain, language and sex.

Whatever: Amazon Shorts

Online bookseller Amazon has started something called "Amazon Shorts," in which selected authors are selling short stories and essays in electronic format for 49 cents.

Atrios: Shorter Eugene Volokh

Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?

Guido: Rifkind gets desperate

Why Rifkind thinks this will help him is hard to fathom, his whole campaign has been completely misjudged, a has-been slap-head who could not even hold on to his seat now hopes to lead the Tories to electoral victory - strewth.

Britblog Roundup # 25

Best of British blogging at Tim Worstall. A great way to discover new blogs and revisit old ones

July 2005

Philobiblon: Net Nuggets No 16 Mathew Parrris

From a certain point of view, the journalist, the politician, the police chief and the terrorist can be seen as locked in a macabre waltz of the mind, no less distorting for being unconscious. We should not to join that dance.

An Englishman's Castle: Pop and circumstance: councillor tries to ban Elgar and bring in Rod

Councillor thinks Rod Stewart's appalling song 'Sailing' is 'more relevant' to yoof!

Bartlett's Bizarre Bazaar: Jack Straw, liar or incompetent?

Given that Jack Straw is Foreign Secretary, you would expect him to have spotted that Turkey is blaming the attacks on the PKK, and to know the difference between Kurdish separatists and Islamists.

Harry Hutton: "If you stick your dick in a bees' nest, you'll get stung," says report.

He has to go twatting it with a stick, and now a bunch of bearded headbangers want to blow us up even more than they already did, which was a lot."

John C. Dvorak: Creative Commons Humbug

This is one of the dumbest initiatives ever put forth by the tech community. I mean seriously dumb. Eye-rolling dumb on the same scale as believing the Emperor is wearing fabulous new clothes.

Stephen Pollard: Ban the Koran?

There is, however, one fundamental flaw with the (Incitement to Religious Hatred) bill. Should it be enacted, one of the first actions ought, on the face of it, to be brought against the Koran.

Matt T: Melanie Phillips 1940 edition

Matt Turner on the idiocy of Melanie Phillips (Via Backword Me)

Melanie Phillips's Diary: Truth and lies: Melanie fails to respond to a Muslim e-mailer because...

To try to do so would be to pit oneself against a whole culture which misrepresents both the past and the present and insists that falsehood is truth.

mikepower's TAGS related to tag bpost

alternative +   blair +   blogs +   bush +   culture +   debunk +   debunking +   europe +   freespeech +   fromDel +   government +   hatetalk +   history, +   humanrights +   Islam +   journalism +   libertarianism +   middle-east +   newspaper +   op-ed +   opinion +   politics +   politicsgovernment +   productivity +   religion +   u +   uk +   usa +   war +   world +