public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tags politics & usa

December 2007

Le : Le New Jersey tourne le dos à la peine de mort

by 1 other (via)
"Pour la première fois en quarante ans, les représentants élus d'un Etat américain important disent définitivement non à la peine capitale"

November 2007

Kremlin uses software piracy laws to shut down dissident media outlets - Boing Boing

The thing is that everyone in Russia is an infringer, which means that everyone is guilty of breaking these strict new anti-piracy laws. That means that anyone can be arrested for being a pirate, so there's no need to gin up a law against dissent, political organizing, homosexuality, or looking cross-eyed at a cop.

August 2007

Le : Bush interdit à Rove de témoigner sur le limogeage de procureurs

Invoquant une réserve due à son rang, le président américain George Bush a interdit à Karl Rove, un de ses plus proches conseillers, de témoigner devant la commission judiciaire du Sénat dans le cadre de l'enquête sur le limogeage de neuf procureurs fédéraux, selon CNN.

May 2007

Bush To Be Dictator In A Catastrophic Emergency

So what does this mean? This is entirely subjective and doesn’t provide any real concrete definition of what such an emergency would entail. Assuming that it means a disaster on the scale of the 9/11 attacks or Katrina, there is no question that the United States at some point in time will experience an emergency on par with either of those events. When one of those events takes place, the President will be a dictator in charge of ensuring a working constitutional government.

Positive Atheism's Big List of Jerry Falwell Quotations

"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

mbertier's TAGS related to tag politics

Activism +   art +   bd +   blog +   brevets logiciels +   comics +   drm +   eu +   europe +   france +   groupe:clever age +   hosting +   ip +   militant +   monde2merde +   music +   patents +   religion +   russia +   standards +   usa +