public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag monde2merde

March 2006

Rewriting The Science - CBS News

"In my more than three decades in the government I've never witnessed such restrictions on the ability of scientists to communicate with the public."

LCN - Le Monde - L'avortement maintenant interdit

Le texte interdit à tout médecin de pratiquer un avortement, sauf s'il en va de la vie de la femme. Il ne fait aucune autre exception, même pas en cas de viol ou d'inceste.

February 2006

January 2006

Patriot Search Result

Thanks, your search has been recorded and will be shared with the governments of the world!

December 2005

Les majors du disque vous souhaitent un joyeux Noël - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by 3 others
le DRM EMI ne permet pas de transférer la musique sur un iPod si on utilise Windows, comme l'indique la jaquette du CD. "la lecture n'est pas garantie sur tous les lecteurs" » Nouveau et délirant : le eStalinisme

by 2 others (via)
S’il vous disait ça, vous penseriez que votre concessionnaire à les fils qui se touchent.

pearworks: pearLyrics

if I have bought an album, am I allowed to save and view lyrics of that album on my computer? I mean, I surely can hear the words, but am I allowed to read them?

November 2005

Pressions sur le gouvernement pour faire interdire le Logiciel Libre

by 2 others
publier des Logiciels Libres permettant d'accéder à la culture est en passe de devenir un délit de contrefaçon.

October 2005


The idea is that the virus acts as a copy protection method, making removal of the virus illegal under the new copyright law unless the whole work was removed along with the virus. - Infant Confinement Specialists Since 2001

All of our products are tested on third-world country test subjects experimentally for six months

How the Left harmed America this week by Dennis Prager

by 1 other (via)
Dennis Prager est très très à droite on dirait ! shoot first, ask questions never!

by 2 others (via)
giving the people of Florida the right to use deadly force as a first resort when they feel threatened, even in a public place.

Things Creationists Hate

And most particularly, I wish to be downright offensive to those who would remove evolution from our public schools or insert into schools sectarian religious teachings under the guise of "scientific creationism."

September 2005

EFF: The Customer Is Always Wrong: A User's Guide to DRM in Online Music

by 1 other (via)
In other words, in this brave new world of "authorized music services," law-abiding music fans often get less for their money than they did in the old world of CDs (or at least, the world before record companies started crippling CDs with DRM, too).

Bush Suspends Pay Act In Areas Hit by Storm

The Davis-Bacon Act, passed in 1931 during the Great Depression, sets a minimum pay scale for workers on federal contracts by requiring contractors to pay the prevailing or average pay in the region. Suspension of the act will allow contractors to pay lower wages.

August 2005

Scientific Savvy? In U.S., Not Much - New York Times

people's inability to understand basic scientific concepts undermines their ability to take part in the democratic process.


by 1 other (via)
don't miss the Khristian Kids Korner.... pouah horrible

Vous devez utiliser un écran agréé pour voir ce film ! - Pour les formats ouverts !

vous n'entendrez rien si votre carte son ou votre système haute fidélité n'est pas certifié...

List of wars and disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Below is a list of death tolls for various infamous incidents. Most numbers are estimates and are often in dispute. The incidents are ranked by the highest estimate given.

Un dégel sans précédent en Sibérie pourrait accélérer le réchauffement climatique

by 2 others
Des scientifiques de retour de cette région russe ont déclaré que la plus vaste zone gelée de la planète était en train de fondre, pour la première fois depuis sa formation il y a 11 000 ans. En fondant, le permafrost d'un million de kilomètres carrés - soit la superficie de la France et l'Allemagne réunies - pourrait libérer dans l'atmosphère des milliards de tonnes de méthane, un gaz à effet de serre, indique le magazine.

Homeland Stupidity - IO ERROR

Archive for the 'Homeland Stupidity' Category

mnot’s Web log: Who Do We Work For?

by 1 other (via)
the complete exclusion of social benefits from business planning, because it is “irrational” and considered an aberration in a free, open market.

Monsanto patents pigs

Monsanto isn't just seeking a patent for the method, they are seeking a patent on the actual pigs which are bred from this method. It's an astoundingly broad and dangerous claim.