public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag clevermarks

04 January 2008

PHiMX - XMI code generator for PHP5

PHiMX is a command-line tool to generate XMI code of a project in PHP5.

18 December 2007

WireIt - a Javascript Wiring Library

WireIt is an open-source javascript library, that allows you to create cool wires like Yahoo Pipes.

17 December 2007

console-commandline - Google Code

Console_CommandLine is a full featured package for managing command line options and arguments highly inspired from python optparse module, it allows the developer to easily build complex command line interfaces.

13 December 2007

eZ publish à très hautes performances

by 1 other
Avec des techniques des publication statique, eZ publish peut être déployé sur des sites à très hautes performances

12 December 2007

A Visual Guide to Version Control | BetterExplained

by 8 others
This guide is purposefully high-level: most tutorials throw a bunch of text commands at you. I prefer to cover the high-level concepts without getting stuck in the syntax (the manual is always there don’t worry). Sometimes it’s nice to see what’s possibl

11 December 2007

Published article "Image creation with PHP" - Kore Nordmann - PHP / Projects / Politics

by 1 other (via)
This is a full guide, covering several libraries (DOM/SVG, Cairo, Ming/Flash, GD) and all the important topics, when it comes to image creation.

10 December 2007

Jash: JavaScript Shell

by 3 others (via)
Jash is a DHTML-based window that gives you command-line JavaScript access to the current browser window. With this console you can quickly debug scripts, manipulate the DOM, view the current page's objects, functions, and variables, trace the execution stack, execute arbitrary Javascript, enter new CSS (in IE, Firefox, Opera, and Safari), and much more.

07 December 2007

Propel Criteria Builder

by 2 others
This is an alpha-release of a utility that converts pseudo-SQL into PHP Propel code. Give it a try — feedback is welcome on the symfony forum!

Languify | Manage your localizations.

Languify is a translation management system for your software projects. Those who have dealt with agile software projects, which support multiple languages, know: synchronizing feature development and localization is a nightmare.

06 December 2007

jQuery Form Plugin

The jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX. The main methods, ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit, gather information from the form element to determine how to manage the submit process. Both of these methods support numerous options which allows you to have full control over how the data is submitted. Submitting a form with AJAX doesn't get any easier than this!

OpenID » Blog Archive » OpenID 2.0…Final(ly)!

by 1 other
It’s important to remember that this has been the work of many folks not only within the OpenID community but also the OpenID Foundation, AOL, Cordance, JanRain, Microsoft, NetMesh, Six Apart, Sxip, Sun Microsystems, Symantec, Verisign and Yahoo!. Microsoft was instrumental in helping with legal support and guidance combined with the insight of Sun and Yahoo! with their joint work in developing the right language. This is great news as it means that today not only is OpenID 2.0 final, but all of the contributors have sent a strong message that OpenID must be freely implementable world-wide.

flot - Google Code

by 15 others (via)
Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side. The focus is on simple usage (all settings are optional), attractive looks and interactive features like zooming.

05 December 2007

On Experts and Expertise

The crucial aspect of being an expert is experience.

04 December 2007

PHP 5.3 feature list (summary)

Ilia Alshanetsky, still wearing his RM hat, announced the final tally of votes for features in PHP 5.3.

An Introduction to the Art of Unit Testing in PHP

by 1 other (via)
Unit Testing is often seen as an arcane, time consuming task - which it sometimes can be! But the point of spending time writing tests is to improve the quality of your source code so it has fewer overall bugs, many of which are detected early, a continual testing process to prevent new changes from changing the behaviour of older code, and to provide confidence that your code can be depended on. There are other benefits too, and we'll detail these later.

eZ Publish 4 (eZ Publish,eZ components,PHP) - ~tigrou/

Enfin avis personnel, la version à vraiment attendre est la prochaine stable prévue en début d'année qui marquera l'intégration réelle et profonde des eZ Components ce qui promet des changements beaucoup plus importants et probablement des améliorations dans bien des secteurs (performances, flexibilité, ...).

Ext JS Blog - » Ext 2.0 Final Released

This new version of the Ext framework is the culmination of many long hours of work and dedication by the Ext Core team as well as our community of testers and supporters. Ext 2.0 is a dramatic step forward from all previous versions of Ext, providing increased performance, ease of configurations, flexibility and UI capabilities.

03 December 2007

repcached - add data replication feature to memcached

"repached" is patch set which adds data replication feature to memcached 1.2.x.

Suhosin 0.9.21 - XSS Protection - PHP Security Blog

It has been a very long time since the last Suhosin extension has been released, but today this has changed with the release of Suhosin 0.9.21. Among the changes are two new features that will protect applications that put too much trust into the SERVER variables from several XSS (and SQL injection) attacks. These features are suhosin.server.strip and suhosin.server.encode.

30 November 2007

Submerged - Subversion Blog - Branching Strategy Questioned...

by 2 others (via)
It is an exciting time for Subversion as its adoption continues at a dizzying pace in enterprises. I'm out there helping that adoption so I'm a bit late in posting the questions and answers I promised around the three basic branching strategies that I covered in the last two webinars in which I presented (Branching and Merging Strategies for Subversion 1.5 and Advanced Merge Tracking and Branching with Subversion 1.5). Hopefully these will be useful to many of you.

28 November 2007

Home | Email Standards Project

by 22 others (via)
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email.

Datejs - A JavaScript Date Library » About…

by 11 others (via)
Comprehensive, yet simple, stealthy and fast. Datejs has passed all trials and is ready to strike. Datejs doesn’t just parse strings, it slices them cleanly in two.