public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags web2.0 & xmlhttprequest

January 2006

November 2005

Monket Calendar - Wiki -

by 17 others
An Ajax enabled online calendar. Drag and drop events to change dates, drag the start/end of an event to create multi-day events, create and edit events without refreshing the page, all with an iCal style interface.

Ajax Patterns

by 8 others
an Ajax portal and homepage for the upcoming "Ajax Design Patterns" book (O'Reilly), with full text online.

Object Graph Home

Suggestive Dictionary - An example of innovative use of xml http object for querying multiple dictionaries.

October 2005

ajax javascript and xmlhttprequest tutorial

by 2 others
basic principles of remote scripting using Ajax, a combination of javascript and XML to allow web pages to be updated with new information from the server, without the user having to wait for a page refresh.

September 2005

Web 2.0 APIs - Link Index List

by 40 others
a database of web 2.0 APIs. organized into a structured format for easy reference.