public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags web-services & web2.0

15 November 2005

13 November 2005

Megashares - remote backup - upload whatever you like without a required registration

by 3 others
single session upload limit is 1.5GB (1,500 Megabytes!). This can be a single file up to 1.5GB, multiple files or a folder using our browser based custom uploader.

Mozy Remote Backup: Free. Automatic. Secure.

by 21 others
a secure, automatic remote backup and archiving service for any PC in any home or office. It's simple to install and configure. No external hard drive, expensive subscription services, CD or DVD's to burn. All you need is a broadband connection and you ar

12 November 2005

Ajax Patterns

by 8 others
an Ajax portal and homepage for the upcoming "Ajax Design Patterns" book (O'Reilly), with full text online.

11 November 2005

Google Publication Ads (Beta) - Sign In

place ads in print publications, allowing your advertising to reach an audience that's targeted to the demographics and topics you choose.

Google AdWords

by 2 others
create your own ads, choose keywords to help us match your ads to your audience and pay only when someone clicks on them.

Google Maps Mania Blog

by 43 others
An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, ideas and tools being influenced by Google Maps.

10 November 2005

Turk Lurker Blog

thoughts and observations on the recently unveiled Mechanical Turk project from Amazon. I've long been a fan of distributed work projects and this blog will detail my experiences on this exciting new opportunity brought to us from Amazon.

09 November 2005

Micro Persuasion Blog

by 17 others
Steve Rubel explores how new technologies are transforming marketing, media and public relations.

08 November 2005

06 November 2005

05 November 2005

by 6 others
a social word association engine. Enter a word and you view the website associated with that word. Or, if you come up with a new word, you get to associate it. You may also re-associate words to your liking.

GTDTiddlyWiki Blog - your simple client side wiki

by 27 others
is a GettingThingsDone adaptation by NathanBowers of JeremyRuston's Open Source TiddlyWiki. The purpose of GTD Tiddly Wiki is to give users a single repository for their GTD lists and support materials so they can create/edit lists, and then print directl

TiddlyWiki Home - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

by 85 others
an experimental MicroContent WikiWikiWeb built by JeremyRuston. It's written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to run on any modern browser without needing any ServerSide logic. It allows anyone to create personal SelfContained hypertext documents that can be p