public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags tutorials & programming-development

November 2005

Ten RSS Hacks

by 8 others
10 RSS power user tips that you can use to enhance your life. Some of these you might already know, others you may not.

Ajax Patterns Home

by 45 others
an Ajax portal and homepage for the upcoming "Ajax Design Patterns" book (O'Reilly), with full text online. Maintained by Michael Mahemoff

Lisp Programming Style Tutorial - postscript file

An outstanding tutorial on Lisp programming style by Peter Norvig and Kent Pitman. This to me is like Strunk & White:

October 2005

AJAX - resource center - documentation -

by 25 others
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is not a technology in itself, but is a term that describes a "new" approach to using a number of existing technologies together, including: HTML or XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, The Document Object Mode

September 2005

dylan programming language

an object-oriented dynamic programming language. background information on the dylan language along with some tutorials: getting started with dylan - a few things about dylan

microlingua - an extended conceptual model for smalltalk

a new dynamic object-oriented programming language. to be used in constrained resource environments with limited memory, processing power, and power consumption.