public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags to-read* & programming-development

09 November 2005

Ten RSS Hacks

by 8 others
10 RSS power user tips that you can use to enhance your life. Some of these you might already know, others you may not.

Ajax Patterns Home

by 45 others
an Ajax portal and homepage for the upcoming "Ajax Design Patterns" book (O'Reilly), with full text online. Maintained by Michael Mahemoff

06 November 2005

05 November 2005

GTDTiddlyWiki Blog - your simple client side wiki

by 27 others
is a GettingThingsDone adaptation by NathanBowers of JeremyRuston's Open Source TiddlyWiki. The purpose of GTD Tiddly Wiki is to give users a single repository for their GTD lists and support materials so they can create/edit lists, and then print directl

04 November 2005

Lisp Programming Style Tutorial - postscript file

An outstanding tutorial on Lisp programming style by Peter Norvig and Kent Pitman. This to me is like Strunk & White:

30 October 2005

27 October 2005

Planet Perl Six Blogs

Planet Perl Six is an aggregator of select Perl 6 related blogs. The list of contributors changes periodically.

23 October 2005

Google's BigTable White Paper

by 1 other
BigTable, a Google in-house development to tackle large amounts of data in “semi-structured manner” – such as RSS readers would need.

21 October 2005

20 October 2005

AJAX - resource center - documentation -

by 25 others
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is not a technology in itself, but is a term that describes a "new" approach to using a number of existing technologies together, including: HTML or XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, The Document Object Mode

17 October 2005

13 October 2005

Kat Desktop Search Environment - Home

by 2 others
an open source framework designed to allow kde applications to index and retrieve files.

12 October 2005

09 October 2005

07 October 2005