public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags swf & flash

November 2005

Shadows: Flashfun Group

a social bookmarking service for discovering, sharing and managing information on the web. Shadows supercharges this information with a "Shadow Page" — a community blog for any web page that includes views, ratings, tags, and comments by you, your frien

October 2005

time ticker

by 4 others
swf animation - current time and time zones map +


european map flash game level 1

September 2005

right now - be here now

a positive inspirational message - flash - with audio

free range studios - home - swf flash site

the meatrix

by 8 others
swf flash animation - turn on the audio - subtitles available also front + swf

microlight lightweight aircraft- uk based flight school - info+

August 2005


clear night.swf

air tight home

by 8 others
flickr related tag browser