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PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags linux & ***

21 January 2006

PCLinux Live CD Article

If you're like me, you get frustrated on a daily basis with your XP box. I hate to see people slow themselves down with spyware, adware, and virus' so I have decided to share my secrets to speeding up your Windows XP Computer!

Movies - mpg wmv html

Look in humor for funny stuff: movies, political stuff and flash.

Pictures - jpeg html

Look in humor for funny stuff: movies, political stuff and flash.

Flash - swf html

Look in humor for funny stuff: movies, political stuff and flash.

Linux Library Archive

Linux Library->Configuration and Administration. Linux Library->Linux Programming. Linux Library->Learning Linux. Linux Library->Distributions. Linux Library->Linux Desktop->VI and Vim. +++

18 January 2006

Welcome to - OpenSUSE

by 1 other
a worldwide community program sponsored by Novell that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. free and easy access to the world's most usable Linux distribution, SUSE Linux. Here at, you'll find a community of developers, end users, and ot

17 January 2006

Konserve: Backup MadeEasy

a small backup utility that lives in the KDE 3.x system tray, and it makes backups so easy, so automatic, that you'll probably forget all about it... until you desperately need that file you accidentally deleted.

Anonym.OS - kaos.theory security research Home - creative security research, focused on solving real-world problems - interesting and exciting open source software

kaos theory was formed to bring together the brightest minds in the information technology and security communities, willing to contribute their ideas and dedicate their free time and energy, to create and innovate in an effort to organically and wholisti

Anonym.OS Download Live CD - kaos.theory security research

by 4 others
an OpenBSD 3.8 Live CD with strong tools for anonymizing and encrypting connections. Standard network applications are provided and configured to take advantage of the tor onion routing network.

16 January 2006

15 January 2006

Linux Online - Linux Courses

by 3 others
Linux Online's classroom - Two courses - one for beginners and another intermediate level course - also a new section with short lessons on various aspects of Linux use.

07 January 2006

BlackDog - offers open source developers an exciting new platform for mobilizing software applications. BlackDog represents a new breed of device that redefines what a ‘computer’ is. It can be programmed to carry your applications, data, web sites, de

Develop applications and deploy them on BlackDog then launch and automatically project them onto a Windows XP host. Configure your BlackDog using our SDK, and the applications and interface will appear the same on many flavors of Linux. Design an interfac


a free service to Open Source developers that are working on projects related to Project BlackDog. In order to get the most out of the Dogpound

05 January 2006

Linux Filter rss2

Linux news system based on the look and feel of