public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags documentation & programming-development

29 December 2005

26 December 2005

24 December 2005

11 December 2005

10 December 2005

Catalyst - The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework

by 4 others
Perl Module - MVC framework will make web development something you had never expected it to be: Fun, rewarding and quick.

09 December 2005

30 November 2005

Cultured Perl: The elegance of JAPH - "Just another Perl hacker,"

JAPH is a short script that produces the output "Just another Perl hacker. SEE RESOURCE LINKS ON BOTTOM OF PAGE.

29 November 2005

28 November 2005

The Bluebottle Window Manager

The Bluebottle Window Manager allows concurrent drawing to many possibly semi transparent windows that can be freely positioned. The window manager supports XML definable styles as well as style plug-ins.

Bluebottle Operating System Home

Bluebottle is a powerful operating system developed in the Programming Languages and Runtime Systems Research Group, based on the Active Object System (Aos) kernel. The Aos kernel provides a compact runtime environment for the Active Oberon language, whic

25 November 2005

Clean Home

Read all about our state-of-the-art pure and lazy functional programming language Clean, our Clean System with its fast compiler, the worlds one-and-only programming environment entirely written in a pure functional language.

24 November 2005

The Program Transformation Wiki Home

by 1 other
collecting, organizing and disseminating information about all aspects of program transformation in order to share results across communities.

22 November 2005

GNU Smalltalk User's Guide

runs on linux? a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language which runs on most versions on Unix and, in general, everywhere you can find a POSIX-compliance library. An uncommon feature of it is that it is well-versed to scripting tasks and headless

21 November 2005