public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags documentation & ***to-read***

10 January 2006

JSAN - JavaScript Archive Network is a comprehensive resource for Open Source JavaScript libraries and software.

Our vision is simple and unified. Bring the joy of collaborative open source development embraced by Perl developers through the CPAN to JavaScript, a unique and independent programming language with potential in all areas of modern development.

08 January 2006

07 January 2006

QuirksMode Home

by 6 others
the personal and professional site of Peter-Paul Koch, freelance web developer in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It contains more than 150 pages with CSS and JavaScript tips and tricks, and is one of the best sources on the WWW for studying and defeating bro

06 January 2006


an open system of content on programming and other computer related topics. Anyone can use the information here, and anyone can contribute what they know!

02 January 2006

30 December 2005

29 December 2005

26 December 2005

25 December 2005

Linux Magazine: Power Tools

presents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio

Linux Magazine: Perls of Wisdom

presents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio

Linux Magazine: Topics

presents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio

24 December 2005

21 December 2005

perlpod - the Plain Old Documentation format.

simple-to-use markup language used for writing documentation for Perl, Perl programs, and Perl modules.

16 December 2005

How To Build a Minimal Linux System from Source Code

These are instructions for building a minimal linux system from source code. It used to be part of From PowerUp to Bash Prompt but I've separated it to keep both documents short and focussed. The system we build here is very minimal, and not ready for rea

From Power Up To Bash Prompt

a brief description of what happens in a Linux system, from the time that you turn on the power, to the time that you log in and get a bash prompt. Understanding this will be helpful when you need to solve problems or configure your system.