public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tag application-server

January 2006

November 2005

Monket Calendar - Wiki -

by 17 others
An Ajax enabled online calendar. Drag and drop events to change dates, drag the start/end of an event to create multi-day events, create and edit events without refreshing the page, all with an iCal style interface.

September 2005

1060 research - netkernal - quotes from the blogsphere

John Udell (infoworld) I never heard the phrase "REST microkernel" before, but I had an immediate expectation of what that would mean. An hour's experimentation with the system met that expectation. Wildly interesting stuff.

netKernel - service oriented microkernel and xml application server

generalizes the principles of REST, the basis for the successful operation of the World Wide Web, and applies them down to the finest granularity of service-based software composition. The Web is the most scaleable and adaptive information system ever.

netKernel tour - system

[rest] the term REpresentational State Transfer (REST) originates from the seminal work of roy t. fielding in retrospectively defining the core architectural principles of the world wide web.