public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags ***to-read*** & ***

03 January 2006

02 January 2006

01 January 2006

30 December 2005

OPML Editor support:

by 5 others
This is where you get docs and support for The OPML Editor

Web2Linux - Open Source isn’t just for geeks anymore

This blog is intended to provide news and information about the latest trend on the internet, Web 2.0 as well as Ajax and other emerging or ‘hot’ new ways of developing cyberspace.

Google AdSense Home

by 17 others
a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money.

29 December 2005

Backup Manager - an easy to use backup tool

by 5 others
a command line backup tool for GNU/Linux, designed to help you make daily archives of your file system. Written in bash and perl, it can make tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, and zip archives and can be run in a parallel mode with different configuration files

BashBurn - a bash script designed to make CD burning at the console easier. It supports burning normal data CDs, audio CDs, blanking CD-RWs, multisession, and more.

BashBurn is the new name for the cd burning shell script Magma. It's not the best looking CD-burning application out there, but it does what you want it to do. (And if not then probably didn't want to do it anyway)

28 December 2005

27 December 2005

Wikis, Search, Hypertext on a platter - Qwikly

by 1 other
a technology weblog by Brian Mingus - focusing on wikis, search, and hypertext on a platter (take your pick!). Currently studying Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Brian enjoys experimenting and playing with wikis in his free tim

26 December 2005

Google Widget Directory - Google Module Directory (Unofficial) - Learn how to install a Google Homepage Module that is inline.

a directory of Google Homepage Modules. We prefer the name widget as you can probably tell. In the future we plan to expand the directory to be able to handle other plugins from other sites, which is why we use the name widget.