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PUBLIC MARKS from kukusky with tags game & video

06 January 2009

What is the difference between public health care and public defenders?

Dawood asked: Why don’t republicans argue that paying taxes out for legal representation is socialist but that public health care is?

What are the disadvantages of having health care?

Matthew N asked: I know this sounds silly, but what are the disadvantages of having health care. Maybe the cost can be an issue. Are there any others?

What theories can economics draw upon to evaluate Health care reforms?

Kevin I asked: Hi, I am a stduent studying Health Economics. I am just wondering what kind of economic theories we can use when evaluating the health care reform. Please let me know if you have any idea and thanks for reading!

What are your favorite websites for information about health?

Jim asked: I’m working on a website about health and diet, and I’m trying to link to the best health and diet information websites. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!

What are all the health benefits of drinking lots of bottled water?

Rooster/Blaster asked: What I mean is, say, drinking 64 ounces of water per day. What are all the health benefits?

What are the health benefits of chick peas?

LondonGuy asked: What are the health benefits of chick peas? I know a very healthy person who is always eating chick peas. What is so good about them?

What are the health benefits to eliminating red meat from my diet?

Scorpio asked: Right now I eat everything. Im 32 yrs old and I jog regularly. I’ve been thinking about eliminating red meat from my diet, but then I know I will eat a lot of fish and foul. Is there a big benefit to my health by elimina...

How do the health benefits compare between walking and running?

NM asked: I know running burns more calories in the same amount of time, but if I just take up walking, how do the long-term health benefits compare? Is running more heart-healthy, or are they about the same? What are the pros and cons of each?...

How do we fix the health care problem Republicans and Demarcates if Universal health care insurance will fail?

Doug favors universal insurance! asked: I made the argument for Universal health care Insurance, I have heard the arguments against it, I would like to know what would fix the problem if it won’t work? When they go to the clinic, their in...

How to start a hoe health agency for medicaid children in Texas?

Lady Di asked: I am an RN and we are in need of a Home Health Agenciy where children in Foster Homes or at their own homes can receive proper medical care requiested by their Docs.I need to know the if thre is a handbook on the rules and regs t...

Am I able to write off Health Insurance Premiums for tax purposes at the end of the year?

Marcus W asked: I am looking to purchase my own health insurance instead of going through my company. I know that the company takes out the cost on a pre-tax basis, but their insurance is not the greatest. If I do decided to sign up for health ...

Child health benefits for foreighners with temporay work permits in Ontario, Canada?

Onirbochonio asked: I got a postdoctoral fellowship in University of Toronto for two years. The job offer did not mention anything about benefits just about my yearly salary. Even the UT does not pay benefits for my kids, will Ontario governmen...

What are the health benefits to eliminating red meat from my diet?

Scorpio asked: Right now I eat everything. Im 32 yrs old and I jog regularly. I’ve been thinking about eliminating red meat from my diet, but then I know I will eat a lot of fish and foul. Is there a big benefit to my health by eliminatin...

How does health insurance work in Medical School?

Kris F asked: It is my plan to start medical school next year, and I am concerned about health insurance. Since I can not work, I know that some school do provide health insurance, but is it including in tuition? And how exactly does it work? I...

23 December 2008

Asia Vacation - 5 Reasons For a Tropical, Exotic and Affordable Vacation

Asia Vacation - 5 Reasons For a Tropical, Exotic and Affordable Vacation What is so special about an Asia vacation? Here are five reason why you would want to experience an Asia vacation. Because sometimes you just need to get away from it all. ...

22 December 2008

Learn How to Stop Sweaty Feet With This Simple Treatment

Learn How to Stop Sweaty Feet With This Simple Treatment There are many different ways of curing your sweaty feet, but only a few are really the ones that I would consider trying myself. First we have the botox, which is a somewhat uncomfortable...

12 December 2008

Acai Berry Research - Anti-Drug User's Point of View

Acai Berry Research - Anti-Drug User’s Point of View For as long as Amazon natives can remember, they have know about the acai berry research shared by generations of families and used it for it’s natural medicinal purposes. They kn...

10 December 2008

How to Live Your Travel & Financial Dreams Now

How to Live Your Travel & Financial Dreams Now This article shares a powerful step by step, proven, free, formula that is designed to do two main things. First, to get your business productive. Second, to give you peace of mind while you ar...

05 December 2008

Apply For a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa and Get the Benefits of Both Worlds

Apply For a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa and Get the Benefits of Both Worlds New Zealand is known for having a successful and well-developed free market financial system. It has among the world’s highest livelihood standards and provi...

04 December 2008

.Tel Domain Names Go on Sale

Starting today, companies and trademark holders can start registering their own .tel domains. However, unlike most domain names, .tel domains are severely restricted by Telnic, the main registrar for these domains. Users and companies can only p...

The Splendour of Hampton Court Palace From 1236 to 1702

The Splendour of Hampton Court Palace From 1236 to 1702 Hampton Court is the site of England’s greatest medieval hall with a massive decorated hammer-beam roof. The history of Hampton starts with the Knights of St John who acquired the ma...

03 December 2008

Destination Club Forecast

Destination Club Forecast Lehman Brother’s recent bankruptcy sent shockwaves throughout Wall Street and has both destination club prospects and executives watching the financial and stock markets closely. Three destination club executives ...

Outdoor First Aid Kits

Outdoor First Aid Kits Outdoor first aid kits are essential for all those who love, enjoy, and are active in the great outdoors. Be prepared - not scared! Blood Clots in Legs - What Do You Need to Know About Them? Blood clots in legs are the s...

The Advantage of Chartering a Private Yacht

The Advantage of Chartering a Private Yacht Everyone looks for a beautiful destination getaway, whether it’s on land or sea. If you feel that sea will give you a better option, you might think about chartering a private yacht. Popularity o...

Pilates - Fitness Can Be Fun

Pilates - Fitness Can Be Fun If you’re looking for a fitness program that is fun, challenging, develops balance and control, provides total body conditioning, improves posture and breathing, helps reduce stress, and has a strong focus on a...

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