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PUBLIC MARKS from kasi77 with tag framework


Blog | Symfony2 Online Conference | symfony | Web PHP Framework

Yesterday and the day before, Sensio Labs organized the first Symfony2 online conference. It was a great success with more than 350 attendees (from over 35 different countries), and a dozen hubs around the world. Thankfully, the platform worked fine.


symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | symfony 1.2 is already available

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Today is the day a great portion of the community has been waiting for, even without knowing that it will be today. As our early Christmas present, we finalized the 1.2 release of symfony after some weeks of hard work. We will be revealing more presents soon, stay tuned :-)

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | sfErrorHandlerPlugin | 1.0.4

by 1 other (via)
Aims to catch and deal with most, if not all, errors within Symfony

Ajaxian » jQuery finds its way into Microsoft and Nokia stacks

by 1 other
Microsoft is looking to make jQuery part of their official development platform. Their JavaScript offering today includes the ASP.NET Ajax Framework and they’re looking to expand it with the use of jQuery. This means that jQuery will be distributed with Visual Studio (which will include jQuery intellisense, snippets, examples, and documentation).

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | symfony Camp 2008 - Day 1

After lunch, Dustin Whittle talked about the "Lessons learned at Yahoo" and Fabian Lange gave some tips on "symfony performance". That was enough for symfony. So, Jonathan Wage came on stage to talk about Doctrine.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | New in symfony 1.2: Customize the Web Debug Toolbar

The symfony web debug toolbar is one of the developer best friend. It is always conveniently accessible in the browser when using the development environment. It gives you everything you need to know about the current page and ease the debugging of your applications. Until now, all the information available in this toolbar were hardcoded. But as of symfony 1.2, the web debug toolbar is entirely configurable.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | The wait is over: symfony 1.1 released

As you may know, we have been working for a very long time on the next stable version of symfony. Now the day has come to celebrate the immediate availability of the long awaited 1.1 stable release of the symfony framework!

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog | The symfony 1.1 architecture

Before we release symfony 1.1 later this week, I want to give some information about the new symfony 1.1 architecture. Apart from the new exiting features we have in symfony 1.1, this version also represents a year of hard work to refactor the internals. Let's dig into symfony internals a bit!

Javascript framework usage among top websites

To answer that question, we here at Pingdom have examined a set of almost 200 popular websites to see if they use a Javascript framework, and in that case which framework they have chosen. The websites were collected from the Alexa US Top 100 and the Webware Top 100 Web Apps. The frameworks we looked for were Prototype, JQuery, MooTools, Yahoo! UI Library, Dojo, ExtJS and MochiKit.

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog |How to create an optimized version of your website for the iPhone in symfony 1.1

symfony 1.1 introduces native support for different formats and mime-types. This means that the same model and controller can have different templates based on the requested format. The default format is still HTML but symfony supports several other formats out of the box as defined in the factories.yml file

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog »How do I use Propel 1.3 in symfony 1.1?

Starting with symfony 1.1, it is now possible to easily use Propel 1.3 in your project to take advantage of its speed improvements, nested set implementation, object instance pooling, among others. Most importantly, Propel 1.3 uses PDO instead of Creole as the DBAL, offering a significant performance boost. Un vrai argument en faveur de l'utilisation de Symfony 1.1

Home: Yet Another Multicolumn Layout | An (X)HTML/CSS Framework

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Bulletproof & Flexible Layouts Made Simple "Yet Another Multicolumn Layout" (YAML) is an (X)HTML/CSS framework for creating modern and flexible floated layouts. The structure is extremely versatile in its programming and absolutely accessible for end users.

Ext JS - JavaScript Library

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Ext is a client-side, JavaScript framework for building web applications. In early 2006, Jack Slocum began working on a set of extension utilities for the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) library. These extensions were quickly organized into an independent library of code and distributed under the name "yui-ext." In the fall of 2006, Jack released version .33 of yui-ext, which turned out to be the final version of the code under that name (and under the open source BSD license). By the end of the year, the library had gained so much in popularity that the name was changed simply to Ext, a reflection of its maturity and independence as a layout:'fit',framework. A company was formed in early 2007, and Ext is now dual-licensed under the LGPL and a commercial license. The library officially hit version 1.0 on April 1, 2007.

DLFP: Sortie de Grails 1.0

Grails est un framework orienté web écrit en Java et Groovy et placé sous licence Apache. Il s'inspire fortement du framework Rails (Ruby on Rails) avec notamment la notion de convention (vs configuration) permettant de n'avoir que le minimum de configuration nécessaire, un vrai bonheur pour le développeur. Mais contrairement à Rails, Grails est complètement dans l'univers Java, le framework se repose ainsi sur des frameworks "stars" de Java comme Spring ou Hibernate lui donnant d'office une maturité évidente (sans parler du fait qu'il devient par la même occasion complètement "crédible" en entreprise).


symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Is symfony too slow for real-world usage?

Let’s finish by saying that in most cases, symfony does not compete with RoR or Django. The choice is often between symfony, .Net and Java Struts, because these are the real alternatives for professional developments.

symfony Web PHP framework » symfony Weblog » Symfony forge beta is out

Thanks to the work of Jonathan Wage, the Symfony Forge is up for beta. From the home page of the site: Symfony-forge is a site dedicated to symfony plugins, software, and the community symfony users/developers. Here you will find complete API documentation for all plugins, a growing database of plugins to work with, and other misc. tools to help organize and guide the plugin development for symfony.

Mise en ligne des supports de la conférence Framework Symfony par l' Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP

Le 6 mars 2007, Fabien Potencier (Leader technique du projet Symfony et Directeur Général de la société Sensio Labs) a présenté une conférence sur le Framework Symfony.

PHP.NET pour Visual Studio .NET avec Phalanger - PHP Language Compiler for .NET Framework -

by 1 other
The Phalanger is a complex solution giving web-application developers the ability to benefit from both the ease-of-use and effectiveness of the PHP language and the power and richness of the .NET platform. (article en Français)

symfony PHP5 framework » Chapter 17 - Extending Symfony

You will probably need to reuse a piece of code that you developed for one of your symfony applications. If you can package this piece of code into a single class, no problem: Drop the class in one of the lib/ folders of another application and the autoloader will take care of the rest. But if the code is spread across more than one file, such as a complete new theme for the administration generator or a combination of JavaScript files and helpers to automate your favorite visual effect, just copying the files is not the best solution


Article : Symfony, ou comment coder plus confortablement ;)

by 6 others

DLFP: Du nouveau chez Alfresco : Parution de la version 1.4 et du module WCM

by 1 other
près la parution de la version 1.0 il y a un an, puis la libération complète des sources en mai 2006, Alfresco continue sa rapide évolution et annonce la parution de deux produits : Alfresco ECM version 1.4 "community", orienté Gestion De Contenu d'Entreprise qui apporte les nouveautés suivantes :Gestion des processus métiers , par intégration de jBPM (projet JBoss) Gestion des archives et plans de classements (Record Management) Une traçabilité orientée services (Audit Trail) Un tableau de bord "MonAlfresco" Des performances améliorées sur les très gros volumes Des exécutables virtuels permettant le lancement d'actions à travers CIFS Des actions adressables par URL (architecture REST) Ajout d'un framework AJAX

The Web 2.0 Dev PHP Framewok

by 1 other (via)
Gone are the days of coding entire PHP apps from scratch. These are the 5 forerunners for the next generation of PHP frameworks. Each one of these frameworks has some foreword thinking quality that sets them apart from the PHP frameworks of yesterday. Many of these are a response to the recent Ruby on Rails, rapid application development hype, and some, like PHP on Trax is a direct port of Ruby on Rails. Of the frameworks listed below, I have learned AGAVI as well as Symfony. I can honestly say I don’t have the desire to build a PHP app from scratch ever again. These frameworks make it so easy to get started and have a working app you’ll want to create apps just for the hell of it.

symfony PHP5 framework » JavaScript helpers

Interactions on the client side, complex visual effects or asynchronous communication are common in web 2.0 applications. All that require JavaScript, but coding it by hand is often cumbersome and long to debug. Fortunately, symfony automates many of the common uses of JavaScript in the templates.

kasi77's TAGS related to tag framework

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