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PUBLIC MARKS from kasi77 with tag php


The Web 2.0 Dev PHP Framewok

by 1 other (via)
Gone are the days of coding entire PHP apps from scratch. These are the 5 forerunners for the next generation of PHP frameworks. Each one of these frameworks has some foreword thinking quality that sets them apart from the PHP frameworks of yesterday. Many of these are a response to the recent Ruby on Rails, rapid application development hype, and some, like PHP on Trax is a direct port of Ruby on Rails. Of the frameworks listed below, I have learned AGAVI as well as Symfony. I can honestly say I don’t have the desire to build a PHP app from scratch ever again. These frameworks make it so easy to get started and have a working app you’ll want to create apps just for the hell of it.

Quelle différence entre une classe abstraite et une interface ? - Weblog - Clever Age

Apparues avec PHP 5, les classes abtraites (abstract classes) et autres interfaces mettent du temps à s’imposer au sein de la communauté des développeurs PHP. Largement répandues dans les mondes Java et .NET, ces deux notions constituent l’un des fondements de la programmation orientée objet (Object oriented programming).

Oracle, Creator of PHP? - The Pimp

There is rumours relayed by The Register about Oracle acquisitions plan, it is a quite surprising to see Zend in the list. Note that the text is not clear, but whether it is true or not, the scenario is interesting enough to think about the impacts in the PHP world.

PEAR :: Bug #6061 :: problem creating root node with Oracle

line 975 replace : $parent['norder'] = is_null($tmp_order) ? 0 : $tmp_order; by : $parent['norder'] = (is_null($tmp_order) or empty($tmp_order)) ? 0 : $tmp_order;



by 14 others (via)
deal with flickrs photos in PHP

Oracle et IBM professionnalisent PHP - Actualités -

Associés à Zend, Oracle et IBM préparent un framework PHP et un plug-in pour Eclipse. Ils veulent imposer cet environnement de développement comme le standard pour la création d'applications critiques.


The DB_DataObject_FormBuilder package

:: phpPatterns()

by 3 others
pattern en php

Horde CVS Modules

modules de horde

Ressources Spip-Agora Clever Age

by 4 others
ressources sur SPIP-Agora