public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags users & film

04 December 2006

02 December 2006

Making Sense of Metaphors by Bernard J. Tibbetts

subtitle: Visuality, Aurality, and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse, 1994, long full-text essay online

01 December 2006

Four Word Film Review

by 4 others
really, reviews in just four words for over 16,000 films what's new

online film magazine with an independent, often European focus

BBC - collective - the interactive culture magazine

by 4 others
a social networking site in which BBC offers cultural reviews, with clips, and readers comment or write alternative reviews; readers also submit own reviews

Media Art Net | Sitemap

English site overview page of a large German site for media, art, and the Internet

Cinemarati Blog

"brings together online film critics for serious, and seriously fun, discussion about film"; links to blogs by selected critics


online film journal, offbeat and cult as well as international film covered :: Volume 10, Issue 10

by 2 others
Canadian film journal online since 1997, wide coverage of independent and international film; many resources

30 November 2006

Boston Review

by 1 other
left political and literary review, good writing

27 November 2006

Dr. Chris Mullen, The Visual Telling of Stories, illustration, design, film, narrative sequences, magazines, books, prints etc

by 1 other
a very large historical archive, often from advertising, "to provide for all levels of possible viewer a visually orientated taxonomy of the ways in which pictures are used to tell stories." unique collection, also useful for many other purposes

Mojiti-video commentary software

by 11 others
useful for teachers making clips to analyze in class; "personalize any video with your story. With visual spotlights, you can narrate your personal videos, add captions or subtitles, or comment on any scene."

26 November 2006

MIT communications forum archive

the various programs are on many topics of media and mass communications; available in audio, video, or print format; good overview of contemporary media issues by academics and practitioners

22 November 2006

Please help me find movies that end with the main character dying. | Ask MetaFilter

It's a query that garnered 135 comments and added film titles within ten days. It lets me think MetaFilter might be fun for students, to craft media-related questions that would get lots of responses, simple queries like this one.

20 November 2006

Pajiba - Scathing Reviews for Bitchy People

by 2 others
movie and tv review site, very current, well written, various authors

Notes on The Gaze

Daniel Chandler's overview of the use of an important concept in media theory

Storytelling in Flickr on Flickr

various modes of flickr storytelling are described, and the keywords needed to get to them

18 November 2006

Dave Harris and Colleagues

large collection of work, lectures, course materials in media studies, leisure studies, sociology

16 November 2006

Visual Studies Fine Arts Videos 2002-2003

advanced students' video projects online, from Univ of Toronto

15 November 2006

Film Experience Blog: The Vampire Blog-a-Thon

Oct. 31, 06; over fifty film bloggers contributed to the Vampire blogathon

14 November 2006

"Introduction to Poetry" -- Ben McGhee

more video and text animation, simple and effective -- 53 sec.