public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags theory & space

09 October 2006

Semiotics for Beginners by Daniel Chandler

semiotics, like connotation, and metaphor and metonymy are terms that convey how images bear meaning; valuable for anyone interested in film and photography

jan van eyck . avantgarde film biopolitics

list of films and readings putting together a film series and discussions of biopolitics in a new and interesting way; complete texts of accompanying theoretical readings

06 October 2006

05 October 2006

Rob Shields | Publications

many full text essays on space, including online space

Cultural Studies Central

last updated, 2002; a plan and partial execution of a clearinghouse, discussion formum, journal

Theorizing in real time: hyperaesthetics for the technoculture

"As bad as bad media aesthetics are when static, they will worsen as they become interactive. It is not enough to struggle towards hypermedia: we need to develop a hyperaesthetic."

DIY Media Weblog

new blog as of Sept 06, good authors; participatory democracy in Internet communications

Networked Public Culture

theses for a proposed book on this topic, to which readers are invited to contribute, with comments included in "symposia" after each chapter, first announcement. Later entries include chapter contributors, topics, comments.

03 October 2006

"Theses on Distributed Aesthetics" by Anna Munster & Geert Lovink

We live inside fragmented and spatially dispersed networks, and do not just use the computer as part of a network.

Critique of Ranking and Listing; Exchange with Kenneth C. Werbin

"Our increasing emphasis on quantitative reductions, like ranking lists, at the expense of critically engaged qualitative thought, can be seen as bottom-line strategies for efficiently navigating our increasingly .. networked cybernetic order."

Overview of a Distributed Aesthetics workshop

considering a new kind of network or network-assisted art, such as Internet or cell phone facilitated performances, on or offline; using locative media; Creative Commons, etc. An older idea was Internet Art.

net critique » Interview with Sole 24 Ore: Crushing the Web 2.0 Myths

social software's potential shaping of the Internet, journalism, business--or not

02 October 2006

Street Media: A Thesis Proposal

Images found in an urban environment and how to evaluate them: a key component of photography, film, photos, visual anthropology.

course outline on space, place, and landscape in contemporary art

You will need to cut and paste URLs into your browser, but there is much here to followup on in terms of bibliography and links.

course outline on social construction of space

understanding this topic is crucial for folks in the visual arts, especially documentarians

H-Net Review: John C. Ehrhardt on Tourism: Between Place and Performance

For students of documentary, it is useful to conceptualize place, space, locale, and social performance all at the same time.

01 October 2006

Martin Irvine, Georgetown University

useful website of communication, culture, and technology professor; many links to courses,lectures, slideshows and essays on art, visual culture, media theory

re-public: re.imagining democracy

e-journal: "process of re-imagining democracy, broadly conceived as referring to the multitude of practices that shape everyday life"; in-depth left essays from an international perspective