public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags learning & research

October 2006


by 3 others
a blog from the Institute for the Future of the Book, where much interesting work on screen reading and publication is going on

course outline on photography and place

using photography as disciplined mode of exploration, expressing ideas

Martin Ryder

extensive links in and coverage of topics around the sociology of knowledge

HowStuffWorks - Learn how Everything Works!

by 4 others
Check out how blogs work, how MySpace works, how DSL works, how digital cameras work; also how to buy....

Internet Public Library:

by 1 other
links listed in "subject areas" selected at left of screen

September 2006

Intute - the best Web resources for education and research

by 4 others
UK academics and researchers write entries on many topics of interest, a bit like an encyclopedia that you ask questions of.

Resource Discovery Network

excellent UK academic search tool for all disciplines. I looked up "film theory,' "feminism" and "television" and got useful results of sites I had not visited before, and some I had.

July 2006