public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags learning & folksonomy

November 2006 – The Social Music Revolution

by 177 others
a web2.0 radio listening site; you can see others' tastes and perhaps pick up some tips from them; like Pandora, it learns your tastes

Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need

by 9 others
how to refine a topic and its searches; updated for web 2.0 and specialty searching; good for anyone starting to do Internet research on a topic and will take you to some previously unused search tools

TeacherSource | . Tag - You're Delicious! | PBS

may 06 discussion of how delicious works; useful overview and collection of comments. PBS teachersouce is also worth visiting from time to time

July 2006

Tagwebs, Flickr, and the Human Brain (by Jakob Lodwick)

by 11 others
By looking at how we tag photos on Flickr, we can understand how humans process information. Feb, 2005