public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags fiction & culture

02 December 2006

Making Sense of Metaphors by Bernard J. Tibbetts

subtitle: Visuality, Aurality, and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse, 1994, long full-text essay online

01 December 2006


by 20 others
another social bookmarking site to find books to read like the ones you know, in genres you prefer, enjoyed by other readers with your tastes; it's one of the fun features of, now with whole sites for the purpose


online film journal, offbeat and cult as well as international film covered :: Volume 10, Issue 10

by 2 others
Canadian film journal online since 1997, wide coverage of independent and international film; many resources

30 November 2006


film journal from Concordia University in Montreal

27 November 2006

22 November 2006

StorySprawl Hyperfiction Story Creator

ongoing fiction sites that readers can contribute chapters to

Please help me find movies that end with the main character dying. | Ask MetaFilter

It's a query that garnered 135 comments and added film titles within ten days. It lets me think MetaFilter might be fun for students, to craft media-related questions that would get lots of responses, simple queries like this one.

20 November 2006

Welcome to Transparency

by 1 other
"interprets and critiques movies and television, news and political rhetoric, theme parks and advertising, computer games and the Internet, and other creations of contemporary culture"

18 November 2006

15 November 2006

13 November 2006

11 November 2006

Literary Theory. Literary Criticism

very large site, also contains links for art and film, among other things, lots of branching possiblities


tranquil animation with zen spirit; again, worth exploring narratives with a whole different time sense and way of making a point

Zen Koans -

by 4 others
zen koans help writers rethink narrative in another tradition of storytelling

Zensufi Park

Zen/sufi stories help those with writer's block or pinned down to traditional narrative arcs

03 November 2006

Electronic Literature Organization

by 1 other
some links to contemporary hypertext literature; information about and reviews of artists' DVDs


wide ranging litblog with many interests, images, and links; includes interests in film, music and visual culture

02 November 2006


film blog with lots of images regularly posted

The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"descriptive list which was created by Georges Polti to categorize every dramatic situation which might occur in a story or performance"; tips for screenwriters looking for ideas

01 November 2006


by 28 others
"independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts"; lots on experimental film

31 October 2006


by 3 others
a blog from the Institute for the Future of the Book, where much interesting work on screen reading and publication is going on