public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags SocialNetworking & tech

December 2006

BBC - collective - the interactive culture magazine

by 4 others
a social networking site in which BBC offers cultural reviews, with clips, and readers comment or write alternative reviews; readers also submit own reviews

November 2006

Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog

by 7 others
rather technical; useful list of many web2.0 bloggers; frequent comparison of sites serving a similar function

Video History Project: Resources

information from/about practitioners and groups of videomakers; technical explanations of early video formats and equipment

Teach and Learn Online

a large wiki network of people interested in all things eLearning, flexible delivery, online education, networked learning, and web 2.0

October 2006

DIY Media Tools - powered by FeedBurner

lots of how-to suggestions for web 2.0, from perspective of user -- Distributed Aesthetics

expanded discussion of a workshop on this topic. See "theses" by Munster and Lovink

August 2006

June 2006

May 2006

Everything Web 2.0 list, March 06

by 54 others
a list of the applications available, categorized but not evaluated; lots of things to try