17 May 2009
The Lights of Home: A Century of Latin American Writers in Paris (Paperback)
As theoretical constructs turn more and more of the past into an abstraction, detailed cultural histories like The Lights of Home give us the breathing space to reimagine global literary life. Deeply informed and painstakingly researche...
14 May 2009
Latin American Writers at Work (Modern Library Paperbacks) (Paperback)
From Booklist
Borges, Neruda, Paz, Garcia Marquez, Fuentes, Vargas Llosa–immortals here descend from the firmament of Latin American literature to converse with merely human interviewers for the Paris Review. The writers’ voices...
12 May 2009
FROM HARLEM TO PARIS: Black American Writers in France, 1840-1980 (Paperback)
From Publishers Weekly
This plodding, academic study uses accounts from more than 60 African American writers–Countee Cullen, James Baldwin, Chester Himes et al.–to explain why they were more readily accepted socially in Paris than...
05 May 2009
The continual pilgrimage : American writers in Paris, 1944-1960 / Christopher Sawyer-Laucanno (Hardcover)
No description for this product could be found, but have a look over at Amazon for reviews and other information.
SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "The continual pilgrimage : American writers in Paris, 1944-1960 / Christopher Sawyer-Laucanno (Hardcover)", u...
(4 marks)