public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jdrsantos with tag linux

06 May 2008

05 May 2008

Wubi - Ubuntu Installer for Windows

by 1 other
Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way.

ucsd-psystem-fs 1.6

The ucsd-psystem-fs package is composed of several utility programs which may be used to manipulate and mount UCSD p-Systems disk images.

ucsd-psystem-xc 0.0

The ucsd-psystem-xc package provides a Pascal cross compiler for producing UCSD p-System code files, and some other related tools.

01 May 2008

24 April 2008

10 April 2008

The Masterplan | There is none

WordPress, Linux, freelancing, the Internet, Web applications, cricket

08 April 2008

03 April 2008

Full Circle Magazine

by 5 others
Full Circle is a free, independent, magazine dedicated to the Ubuntu family of Linux operating systems. Each month, it contains helpful how-to articles and reader submitted stories.

29 March 2008

28 March 2008

25 March 2008

LMMS - Linux MultiMedia Studio

by 3 others
LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed- source) programs like FruityLoops/FL Studio, Cubase and Logic allowing you to produce music with your computer. This includes creation of loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arra

24 March 2008

18 March 2008

15 March 2008

13 March 2008

11 March 2008