public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jdrsantos with tags "3d graphics" & "3d rendering"

04 May 2006

Kerkythea is a freeware standalone ray tracer incorporating fast GI, a material editor and sun/sky settings, GL viewer, supporting 3ds, obj formats with Blender exporter available. It is under continuous refinement!

30 April 2006

Wings 3d

by 4 others
Wings 3D is a subdivision modeler inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware. It is possible to assign materials, vertex color, UV coordinates and textures, but there will be improvements in those features before Wings goes 1.0. There is no support in Wings for doing animations.

POV-Ray - The Persistence of Vision Raytracer

by 2 others
The Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics. It is available in official versions for Windows, Mac OS/Mac OS X and i86 Linux. The source code is available for those wanting to do their own ports.

Y A F R A Y . O R G

by 3 others
YafRay is a powerful raytracer, under the LGPL license. It enables you to create fantastic images and animations of a photorealistic quality. Below can you find the most relevant features which YafRay offers. :: Home

by 6 others
Blender is the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.

Home - Art of Illusion

by 5 others
Art of Illusion is a free, open source 3D modelling and rendering studio. It is written entirely in Java, and should be usable on any Java Virtual Machine which is compatible with J2SE 1.4 or later.