public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jasontromm with tag election04

10 August 2005 20:30

Bush vs. Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth --

Now it's Bush's turn to squirm

Evidence of the president's fudged war record emerged in time to undermine the Republicans' triumphal march

Debate the Deficit

Two Presidential Candidates Fail, Two Succeed

Who drew first blood?

Let me give you a few examples concerning the media's take on who drew first blood, President Bush or Sen. Kerry.

The Zell factor

Note to Dr. Howard Dean: About that Bubba vote? Two words. Zell Miller.

Remarks by Rep. Jim DeMint at the RNC

Welcome to the Convention for the future! I'm Jim DeMint and, with your

The scorecard: Swiftees vs. Kerry

Despite the partisan media's claims to the contrary, John Kerry has not successfully refuted 'almost all the Swiftees' charges.'

Vetting free speech not such a swift idea

The Swift Boat Vets for Truth have started a tragic, stupid argument.

It's Kerry's antiwar record they resent

It was John Kerry, not the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who picked this fight.

Flush the Johns

Even Liberals Have to Laugh at This, Right?