public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from innipukinn with tag music

May 2008

April 2008

March 2008

February 2008

Interview : Daddy Mory

Tu travailles plus avec lui ? Non, on travail plus ensemble. Raggasonic c’est terminé. Dans le sens, où il a pris un chemin qui est pas pareil que le mien. Lui c’est un badman, moi je suis un rastaman.

Raphael Vacinny

...nous présente les dix titres de son album. Merci cher public.

January 2008

November 2007

October 2007

September 2007

Deathwish Inc.

Deathwish is a brand started by J. Bannon and Tre McCarthy in 2001. Started primarily as an aggressive record label, Deathwish has also branched out into other counterculture oriented businesses. You can find Deathwish involved in Records, Apparel, Fine Arts, and Mixed Martial Arts, among other endeavors.

Converge - Wikipedia

There is much debate over where exactly Converge fall, genre-wise, due to their wide musical range, breaking of conventional boundaries, and willingness to try and push in new directions.

Muppet Show | Drum Battle Buddy Rich Vs Animal

Muppet Show - Drum Battle Buddy Rich Vs Animal

Muppet Show | Moreno and Animal

Muppet Show Moreno and Animal


by 1 other
"Aucune fille n'est assez bien pour Jean-Luc Le Ténia"

M-Base Sounds

by 1 other
Steve Coleman projects with the M-base collective

August 2007

Reactable media

by 3 others
Projet de recherche d'une université barcelonaise. 3 exemplaires au monde, dont un avec Bjork ;)