public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from imran with tag Affinity

October 2005


by 99 others, 1 comment
A free online service for building and using social applications

August 2005

Why some social network services work and others don't Or: the case for object-centered sociality

by 2 others
'Social networking' makes little sense if we leave out the objects (photos, links, places) that mediate the ties between people

July 2005

Social outcast

telephony++ application that gives you the chance of calling someone’s boss, secretary or deputy. Just the first level of awareness of corporate social structure

May 2005


by 27 others
Web based AOL/MSN/Y! instant messaging clients

IM Smarter

One place to safely search your chat history, get reminders for important events, and even update or start a web blog

imran's TAGS related to tag Affinity

im +   Klippr +   people +   Simpatico +   SocialNetworking +   socialsoftware +