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PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tag web


3.4 million page views per day, 92 M per month, one server and Drupal

In this talk, Khalid of, Inc., Inc will talk about a how to scale a Drupal web site with the following statistics. 3.4 million pages per day peak 92 million page views per month 189,650 page views per hour peak 840,000 visits on peak day 22.96 million visits per month 52,747 visits per hour peak So far, this is the highest traffic a Drupal site gets that we heard of. What is amazing is that this web site runs on a single mid range server ...


Google I/O 2010

Join us for two days of deep technical content featuring Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs, GWT, App Engine, open web technologies, and more. Google I/O features 80 sessions, more than 3,000 developers, and over 100 demonstrations from developers showcasing their technologies. Talk shop with engineers building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise applications.


Digital Web Magazine - User Interface Implementations of Faceted Browsing

Just as it is important to choose the proper knife when slicing-n-dicing vegetables, it is critical to prescribe a suitable user interface to support faceted filtering. Faceted filtering allows you to narrow down a large list of objects to a manageable size by applying flexible combinations of attribute filters in any order. Rather than forcing you down fixed paths within a website’s information architecture, faceted filtering allows you to multi-dimensionally slice-n-dice the information in a manner that best accommodates your specific needs. A user interface that optimally supports faceted filtering must expose its robust functionality in a way that expresses affordances, controls complexity, and follows existing standards that have been pre-established across the web.

TUTO: utiliser son iphone comme modem (avec et sans jailbreak) version pc

Salutations, devant la difficulté de certains à utiliser leur précieux en "mode modem" j'ai décidé de regrouper les tutos que j'ai pu trouver sur le web pour en faire un plus compact. Je rapelle que nous utilisons l'iphone comme un proxy et non véritablement comme un modem et que de ce fait c'est sensé ne pas etre détecté, après je suis pas assez callé en informatique désolé^^. Ce tuto est optimisé vista, cependant la méthode sous xp est sensiblement la meme, vous aurez juste à chercher les options.

Write your first FaceBook App!

I recently tried to get my hands dirty with Facebook application development platform. I know there are a bunch of resources available on the web to help you in the process, but when I was trying get my tiny app to work, I realized there were a few things which aren’t explained too well on I am writing down the step-by-step guide that you can use to create your first Facebook application and join the club!


Exploring the REST and AtomPub as WS-* Stack Alternatives

Kurt Cagle of The Burton Group, explores the "RESTful Stack" as an alternative to WS-* web services and looks at the growing importance of standards and technologies such as Atom, the Atom Publishing Protocol, and XQuery. Presented as part of HR-XML's webinar series. see

Vitamin Features » Easy Automated Web Application Testing with Hudson and Selenium

by 4 others
Developing web applications is getting more complex - it’s easy to accidentally break functionality as changes are made. In this article, Ben describes the setup his team uses test their apps as changes are committed; automatically notifying the developers of any problems.

The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

by 21 others (via)
Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups

L'expression du Dublin Core dans les éléments HTML/XHTML meta et link

by 1 other (via)
Ce document décrit comment incorporer des métadonnées Dublin Core [DCMI] à une page Web HTML/XHTML en utilisant des éléments HTML/XHTML. Il faut signaler qu'il existe plusieurs autres mécanismes pour associer (ou incorporer) un enregistrement DC à une ressource HTML/XHTML [HTML].

Home - WysiwygPro, Browser Based Online HTML WYSIWYG Editor

by 2 others
WysiwygPro is an advanced online HTML WYSIWYG editor that can be embedded in a web page. Web developers may use it as an alternative to regular textarea tags in all PHP powered web applications including Content Management Systems, Blogs, Discussion Forums and Web Based E-mail Systems. WysiwygPro is available as a PHP class for developers, as a stand alone application for editing web pages and as a plugin for many third party applications including Joomla, Mambo, WordPress and CMSimple. Integrate WysiwygPro into your content management system or web application and empower your users' creativity. WysiwygPro enables anyone to create rich HTML content online without techical skill

Asbru Web Content Editor

by 1 other
WYSIWYG HTML/XHTML web content editor component for web designers/programmers to integrate with their own and third-party web applications to give non-technical users access to create and update web content. From only £25 per website with any number of users.


Best Practices for Applying Ajax to JSR 168 Portlets

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A year ago, the article Asynchronous Rendering of Portlet Content With Ajax Technology demonstrated how to apply Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) to portlets. Since then, Ajax has become increasingly popular in the software arena and many new Ajax technologies have emerged. Examples are JavaScript libraries and toolkits, such as the Dojo Toolkit, the Yahoo! UI Library, the Google Web Toolkit,, and DHTML Goodies. In addition, new standards bodies like Open Ajax and the Dojo Foundation are key players. In light of the many developments in the past year and the host of feedback on how to use Ajax in portlets, this article describes several helpful tips and practices on how best to exploit Ajax in portlets that comply with the Java Specification Request (JSR) 168: Portlet Specification.

Squid Reverse Proxy

This document describes reverse proxies, and how they are used to improve Web server performance. Section 1 gives an introduction to reverse proxies, describing what they are and what they are used for. Section 2 compares reverse proxy caches with standard and transparent proxy caches, explaining the different functionality each provides. Section 3 illustrates how the reverse proxy actually caches the content and delivers it to the client. Section 4 describes how to configure Squid as a reverse proxy cache.


jWebUnit - jWebUnit 1.x

by 6 others (via)
jWebUnit is a Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications. It evolved from a project where we were using JUnit to create acceptance tests. Also, we can have different testing engines. Currently, only HtmlUnit plugin is ready. As the tests were being written, they were continuously refactored to remove duplication and other bad smells in the test code. jWebUnit is the result of these refactorings.

Character Conversions from Browser to Database

by 1 other
In route to their final storage destination on the World Wide Web, characters move through various layers of programming interfaces and can cross software and hardware boundaries. This article provides helpful hints and best practices for accurately transporting character data from browser to database … and back again.