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PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tag proxy


TUTO: utiliser son iphone comme modem (avec et sans jailbreak) version pc

Salutations, devant la difficulté de certains à utiliser leur précieux en "mode modem" j'ai décidé de regrouper les tutos que j'ai pu trouver sur le web pour en faire un plus compact. Je rapelle que nous utilisons l'iphone comme un proxy et non véritablement comme un modem et que de ce fait c'est sensé ne pas etre détecté, après je suis pas assez callé en informatique désolé^^. Ce tuto est optimisé vista, cependant la méthode sous xp est sensiblement la meme, vous aurez juste à chercher les options.


Squid Reverse Proxy

This document describes reverse proxies, and how they are used to improve Web server performance. Section 1 gives an introduction to reverse proxies, describing what they are and what they are used for. Section 2 compares reverse proxy caches with standard and transparent proxy caches, explaining the different functionality each provides. Section 3 illustrates how the reverse proxy actually caches the content and delivers it to the client. Section 4 describes how to configure Squid as a reverse proxy cache.

The OpenLDAP Proxy Server

As stated previously, an LDAP proxy server accesses services (in our case, LDAP services) on behalf of a client's request. This architecture is used frequently if the user is behind a firewall and wishes to access resources outside, normally on the Internet. More generally, the LDAP proxy provides a way of giving controlled access via the LDAP protocol to resources outside the actual domain; therefore, you may use it to join different domains in your intranet (e.g., different LANs located in different countries of your enterprise intranet).

holyver's TAGS related to tag proxy

3g +   architecture +   cache +   howto +   iphone +   ldap +   network +   oss +   reverse proxy +   server +   tutorial +   web +