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11 April 2009 18:30

Facebook PHP Tutorial

I will cover the basics of using the Facebook PHP library and how to get your application started, including: 1. Installing The Facebook Developer Application 2. Downloading The Facebook PHP Client Library 3. Creating Your Application 4. Hello Facebook! Example 5. FBML - Facebook Markup Language 6. Using the Facebook API

Write your first FaceBook App!

I recently tried to get my hands dirty with Facebook application development platform. I know there are a bunch of resources available on the web to help you in the process, but when I was trying get my tiny app to work, I realized there were a few things which aren’t explained too well on I am writing down the step-by-step guide that you can use to create your first Facebook application and join the club!

10 Things That Would Have Been Nice to Know When Starting My Facebook Application: An Entry in padrenel's Journal and Blog at the Experience Project

Alright, just finished my first Facebook app. Some pretty cool functionality they've built there, and it's mostly pretty straightforward to work with, but the documentation is lagging in some areas. Here's a few things I learned along the way, in no particular order - most may seem like no-brainers, but I know I lost some time to most of these!

10 April 2009 20:15

Main Page - Facebook Developers Wiki

by 1 other (via)
The Facebook Developer wiki is a reference for developers interested in Facebook Platform. Facebook Platform is a standards-based Web service with methods for accessing and contributing Facebook data. We've made the methods as easy to understand as possible, and this wiki includes full documentation to help you learn more.

10 April 2009 20:00

Anthony Catel’s Blog » Créer une application facebook en PHP

Vous hébergez vous même votre application. Lorsque quelqu’un se rend sur votre application, facebook va se connecter à votre page, l’interpréter (transformer le FBML, etc…) et afficher le résultat dans le “canvas” (c’est à dire comme une page facebook classique) héritant donc du style CSS et mise en page de facebook.

holyver's TAGS related to tag facebook

api +   development +   howto +   library +   mashup +   php +   social network +   tutorial +   web +   web 2.0 +   web services +