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PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tag architecture



OOP Javascript & JS Architecture

Nowdays: Single page app is the thing! Gmail Twitter (remember the # in the location bar?) Grooveshark (online cloud music player/storage)

Drupal 7 SEO made easy - Content Analysis & Optimizer modules

The two modules work together to help assure your site content is optimized for search engines. The magic formula for ranking well in the search engines is: Great Architecture + Great Backlinks and Buzz + Great Content = Great Rankings


Puppet versus Chef: 10 reasons why Puppet wins | Bitfield Consulting

Puppet, Chef, cfengine, and Bcfg2 are all players in the configuration management space. If you’re looking for Linux automation solutions, or server configuration management tools, the two technologies you’re most likely to come across are Puppet and Opscode Chef. They are broadly similar in architecture and solve the same kinds of problems. Puppet, from Reductive Labs, has been around longer, and has a large user base. Chef, from Opscode, has learned some of the lessons from Puppet’s development, and has a high-profile client: EngineYard.

Evernote Architecture - 9 Million Users and 150 Million Requests a Day

The folks at Evernote were kind enough to write up an overview of their architecture in a post titled Architectural Digest. Dave Engberg describes their approach to networking, sharding, user storage, search, and some other custom services.


Drupal CDN & Static File Server - The Amazon S3 Way | Slayerment

This post isn't meant to be an end all to Drupal and CDNs, but rather just some insight into the way I have tackled this issue for the time being. There are a number of options to choose from and a lot of different ways to go about it. You could get a new server locally and load balance your stuff, you could get a new server locally and use it as a static file server, you could team up with a big time CDN like Akamai or Limelight and go that route, or you could go the less expensive CDN route with something like Amazon S3.


Protocol Reference - Google Data APIs - Google Code

This document describes the protocol used by the Google Data APIs, including information about what a query looks like, what results look like, and so on.

Google Data APIs - Google Code

The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web. These REST-style APIs are based on the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub), using the standard Atom syndication format to represent data and HTTP to handle communication. The Google Data API protocol also extends AtomPub for processing queries, authentication, batch requests, and providing alternate output formats (JSON, RSS). Many Google services support the Google Data API protocol

Google Data APIs Overview - Google Data APIs - Google Code

The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web. The Data APIs use either of two standard XML-based syndication formats: Atom or RSS. They also have a feed-publishing system that consists of the Atom publishing protocol plus some extensions (using Atom's standard extension model) for handling queries.

Getting to know the Atom Publishing Protocol, Part 1: Create and edit Web resources with the Atom Publishing Protocol

by 1 other (via)
The Atom Publishing Protocol is an important new standard for content publishing and management. In this article, explore a high-level overview of the protocol and its basic operation and capabilities.

scaling drupal - an open-source infrastructure for high-traffic drupal sites | johnandcailin

by 1 other
in this article, i outline a step-by-step process for incrementally scaling your deployment, from a simple single-node drupal install running all components of the system, all the way to a load balanced, multi node system with database level optimization and clustering. since you almost certainly don't want to jump straight from your single node system to the mother of all redundant clustered systems in one step, i've broken this down into 5 incremental steps, each one building on the last. each step along the way is a perfectly viable deployment.


Traditional Development/Integration/Staging/Production Practice for Software Development | Disruptive Library Technology Jester

Recently, I was asked to outline a plan for a structured process for software development that maximizes productivity and reduces bugs that reach the user. This was originally an internal OhioLINK document, but the process described is pretty traditional and others might find a use for this as well. You are welcome to use this; please honor the Creative Commons licensing terms and contact me in advance if you need something different.

Google : un mystère fascinant et bien gardé

L’infrastructure utilisée par le géant de la recherche Google est un mystère que beaucoup aimeraient percer, que ce soit les concurrents ou les utilisateurs étonnés de la réactivité sans faille des services malgré un nombre d’utilisateurs record.

Google Architecture | High Scalability

by 1 other (via)
Google is the King of scalability. Everyone knows Google for their large, sophisticated, and fast searching, but they don't just shine in search. Their platform approach to building scalable applications allows them to roll out internet scale applications at an alarmingly high competition crushing rate. Their goal is always to build a higher performing higher scaling infrastructure to support their products. How do they do that?


Apache Jackrabbit - Jackrabbit Deployment Models

JSR-170 explicitly allows for numerous different deployment models, meaning that it is entirely up to the repository implementation to suggest certain models. Jackrabbit is built to support a variety of different deployment models, some of the possibilities on how to deploy Jackrabbit will be outlined here...

Squid Reverse Proxy

This document describes reverse proxies, and how they are used to improve Web server performance. Section 1 gives an introduction to reverse proxies, describing what they are and what they are used for. Section 2 compares reverse proxy caches with standard and transparent proxy caches, explaining the different functionality each provides. Section 3 illustrates how the reverse proxy actually caches the content and delivers it to the client. Section 4 describes how to configure Squid as a reverse proxy cache.

The OpenLDAP Proxy Server

As stated previously, an LDAP proxy server accesses services (in our case, LDAP services) on behalf of a client's request. This architecture is used frequently if the user is behind a firewall and wishes to access resources outside, normally on the Internet. More generally, the LDAP proxy provides a way of giving controlled access via the LDAP protocol to resources outside the actual domain; therefore, you may use it to join different domains in your intranet (e.g., different LANs located in different countries of your enterprise intranet).


KarKomaOnline - Implementing High Availability in MySQL

by 2 others (via)
MySQL provides a built-in data replication functionality for maintaining identical copies of its data to one or more backend servers, thus providing a simple High Availability mechanism. On the other hand, the Open Source community has several projects to implement failover techniques, being one of them Heartbeat. This article will show you how to implement a clustered, highly available and inexpensive solution based on GNU/Linux and combining MySQL as the database engine and Heartbeat as the failover mechanism. The configuration will consist of a 2-node active/passive cluster.

Mise en place d'un Cluster Vmware ESX 3 en environnement SAN

# 1 Présentation de VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3 * 1.1 ESX Server 3 * 1.2 VMware Virtual Center 2 * 1.3 Consolidated Backup # 2 Infrastructure requise * 2.1 Schéma général d'un infrastructure complète * 2.2 Réseaux * 2.2 SAN * 2.3 Sauvegardes # 3 Installation des serveurs physiques * 3.1 VMware ESX 3 * 3.2 Virtual Center * 3.3 Consolidated Backup # 4 Démonstration des fonctionnalités offertes * 4.1 Sécurisation des données * 4.2 VMotion * 4.3 VMware DRS * 4.4 VMware HA # Conclusion

SOAP ou REST, que choisir?

Web Services Convention Juin 2004 Comparer ce qui est comparable

Web Oriented Architecture

Un petit debat intéressant sur les problèmes de compatibilité entre les différentes versions de Webservices. Heureusement pour vous, il y a ici un article sur les stratégies a adopter pour s'en sortir !

Know your clustering architectures - Builder UK

Enterprise application (EA) architects often face challenges in designing scalable applications that can accommodate a growing number of users and provide 24/7 availability. In this article, I’ll explain the meaning of scalability and availability in EA and explore different architectures for achieving them.

Cluster Architectures

This following sections describe alternative architectures for a WebLogic Server cluster: * Architectural and Cluster Terminology * Recommended Basic Architecture * Recommended Multi-Tier Architecture * Recommended Proxy Architectures * Security Options for Cluster Architectures

WebServices vs EJB [Archives] - Forum des développeurs

Je suis novice dans la J2EE alors excusez moi pour la remarque, mais je souhaiterais connaître la différence entre un Web Sevice et un EJB, pas du point de vu de la programmation, mais savoir ce que chacun me permet de faire quoi exactement. En effet, j'ai du mal à discerner les fonctionnalités de chacun. Je ne sais si je suis un cas isolé, mais quand je lis que c'est facile à comprendre et à programmer, excusez moi du peu, mais j'ai du mal.

[Architecture] Un point sur les normes EJB et les serveurs J [Archives] - Forum des développeurs

Je bataille aujourd'hui pour faire adopter par mon entreprise les serveurs d'applications J2EE, et donc commencer à basculer vers une architecture distribuée. J'aurais aimé connaître votre point de vue sur les arguments que l'on m'a opposés, ainsi que quelques clarifications qui ne feront pas de mal. Normes EJB Tout d'abord, concernant l'utilisation des EJBs, je me suis vu répondre que la norme EJB n'était pas encore stabilisée et en constante évolution. Alors que la plupart des serveurs sont validés pour la norme EJB 2.0 et qu'apparaît la norme 3.0, on peut effectivement s'interroger. Les changements entre les normes sont-ils importants ? Vaut-il mieux attendre la norme 3.0 ou bien commencer avec la mature 2.0 ? Question complémentaire : qu'en est-il des protocoles utilisés pour la communication (CORBA, SOAP, RMI...) Serveurs d'application Après discussions, si serveur d'application il y a, il sera choisi entre JOnAS, JBoss ou Websphere. JOnAS et JBoss parcequ'ils sont libres, ou WAS parcequ'il est déjà utilisé dans le groupe (choix le plus probable, au passage). Sans être redondant avec le post-it "[SERVEUR J2EE] Quelles différences entre les serveurs J2EE ?", mais pour actualiser un peu (la plupart des posts datent de 2003, la situation a certainement évolué depuis), qu'en est-il aujourd'hui de ces serveurs en terme de coût de possession, de perennité de la solution (cette dernière question concerne plus JOnAS, apparemment en perte de vitesse) et.. de performances ?