public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from hapatchan with tag astuce

19 January 2012

23 Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog To

by 1 other
23 Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog To

16 January 2012

Solution to ‘You may be a victim of software counterfeiting’ Problem

Solution to ‘You may be a victim of software counterfeiting’ Problem

23 December 2011

trouver tout directement en chine

trouver tout directement en chine

11 December 2011

Galería de Videos con Coda Slider

Galería de Videos con Coda Slider

06 December 2011

Sous-titres divx : tuto pour incruster un sous titre srt à une video

Sous-titres divx : tuto pour incruster un sous titre srt à une video

26 November 2011

Où trouver des tutoriaux ?

by 2 others
Voilà une question que beaucoup se sont posés ... et que beaucoup d'autres se poseront encore :) ... enfin, j'espère un peu moins, après cet article :) ... Nous vous avons déja proposé beaucoup de tutoriaux à travers les sites et logiciels présentés ici. Voici maintenant un petit tour d'horizon (non exhaustif) de sites de tutoriaux,

25 November 2011

الويندوز عندك غير اصلي ..احصل على الاصلي من المجند

اخواني الكرام احضرت لكم اليوم طريقة لجعل الويندوز اصلي ومصرح بعد ان كنا نستخدم ويندوز غير مصرح وقد عانينا من البرامج التي لا تعمل الا على الويندوز الاصلي وايضًا التحديثات التلقائية التي كانت تطلب منا باستمرار الكراك للويندوز فلم يكن امامنا الا ان نوقفها ولكن اليوم اصبح شيء ثاني حيث احضرت لكم الكراك للويندوز خلال تصفحي عالم النت الكبير

06 November 2011

07 September 2011

Astuces pour les licences à vies de NOD32/Eset !!!

Astuces pour les licences à vies de NOD32/Eset !!!

26 August 2011

Choose what to display in the summary Read more automatic

Choose what to display in the summary Read more automatic


Shadowbox is a lightbox clone, but unlike the latter not only serves to display images on modal windows, but also web pages, flash files, galleries, maps and videos in various formats from different services.

22 August 2011

Open Close Change Image

The example you can see in my sidebar. There are several ways or utilities for this code. The main thing to consider is working with id which must always be different, in the example of letters going to change but can be numbers or words are always different.

14 August 2011

Acronis True Image 9.0

لأستعادة النظام في حال إنهياره مع الشرح بالصور

12 June 2011

Submit a Complete Sitemap of your Blogger Blog to Google for Better Indexing

Submit a Complete Sitemap of your Blogger Blog to Google for Better Indexing

24 January 2011

50+ outstanding list of web based photo editors for free

50+ outstanding list of web based photo editors for free

25 December 2010

How to Create GIF Animations?

How to Create GIF Animations?

17 December 2010

08 November 2010

Download Free One Million Clicks

Looking for software that can increase the counter of a web page? With One million Clicks you can refresh/reload your web page, web script, image, ad, commercial or banner, millions of times per day.

05 November 2010

Remove border around image uploaded in blogger

This is easy to change! You will look for the code that you wish to change, which is .post img code in the CSS style sheet. How to completely REMOVE the border that appears around a posted photo within a post on Blogger??

26 October 2010

How To Block Advertisments In Opera Browser

Similar to the Filter list feature in Adblock Plus you can also add pre-complied common ad-blocking patterns to Opera for a clutter free web-browsing experience, follow the simple instructions below to implement ad-blocking in Opera.

11 September 2010

How to split your blogs header into two widgets

This post shows how you can split your blogs header into two widgets like the following screenshot

How Split Blogger Header Into Two Sections

How Split Blogger header Into Two different Sections,

31 August 2010

Google Accounts Multiple Sign-In

In the beginning of this month, August, google system informed that there is good news for those who have Google account more than one and want to sign in/login together at once. Formerly, those who had more than one Google accounts could not sign in together at once using one browser.

30 August 2010

Adsense Revenue Sharing Feature in Blogger Blogs

This cool trick shows how to implement Google Adsense Revenue sharing feature in blogger(blogspot) blogs:

How to put Adsense code in middle of blogger post

Normally each visitor visits your blog to read post. So if you put adsense in the middle or anywhere of post, ads can get clicked more frequently. It will help to earn more $$.