May 2008
Elegant Code » Why Agile Doesn’t Really Work
Build your business practices to embrace change just like your Agile development practices do. Embrace continuous integration of the enterprise, not just your source code.
yes, embrace it
Life Is Too Short For Bad Code: Interview<sup>-1</sup>
So remember, the quality of the interview you provide influences how the interviewee views the company.
that *is* true.
March 2008
The NO!SPEC campaign: Serves as a vehicle to unite those who support the notion that spec work devalues the potential of design and ultimately does a disservice to the client.
via Dave
February 2008
Reality Driven Development
3 commentsIf we had to bet our lives on the continued success and adaptability of any single company (...), we would place that bet on 3M. Using 3M as a blueprint for evolutionary progress at its best, here are five basic lessons (...).
- Give it a try - and quick!
- Accept that mistakes will be made.
- Take small steps.
- Give people the room they need.
- Mechanisms--build that ticking clock
January 2008
Review Board
by 1 otherCode reviews are fun again! ...almost.
more gentleman than Nat's
October 2007
Remembering on the web - 5 reasons why social bookmarking doesn’t work
One common task while browsing the web is going sure you will be able to recall a valuable information you are just looking at. This article aims to prove that social bookmarking as in delicious, simpy, magnolia et al. is the wrong tool for that task.
One essay about the failures of actual social bookmarking systems.