October 2008
Speeqe – Trac
(via)Speeqe is a web based, group chat client that works with the XMPP/MUC protocol.
and open source since a couple of days.
September 2008
Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder | Technology | guardian.co.uk
2 comments"One reason you should not use web applications to do your computing is that you lose control," he said. "It's just as bad as using a proprietary program. Do your own computing on your own computer with your copy of a freedom-respecting program. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software."
Should I stop using Blogmarks?
ARIA and Web 2.0 Accessibility
by Rich Schwerdtfeger from IBM
Web-Based UML Sequence Diagram / MSC Generator
by 9 others, 1 commentDon't waste your afternoon drawing UML Sequence Diagrams. Just enter the description here, and click "draw". The SD/MSC Generator is an easy alternative to using mouse-centric tools like Microsoft Visio.
what a great tool with nice templates.
Functioning Form - Previous and Next Actions in Web Forms
A recent lengthy discussion in the Interaction Design Association focused on the placement of actions in Web forms that span several Web pages. The quintessential question underlying this debate is: can an action which leads people to the previous step of a process be placed to the right of an action that leads users to the next step of a process?
yet another great article.
Web Access Centre Blog :: Too much accessibility - TITLE attributes
People with dyslexia: often prefer not to have “tooltips” popping up, as they can be a serious distraction to the process of reading the text. If they have moved to a standards compliant browser to get away from the ALT attribute popping up in Internet Explorer, imagine how delighted they might be to find a site that has more TITLE “tooltips” than a leopard has spots.
a more and more seen bad practice, using TITLE
instead of ALT
Firefox test case: Web content, keyboard navigation on Windows
A list of JAWS function keystrokes to test with Firefox
Web Usability - Welcome
A main aim of this site is to promote website accessibility. The site incorporates a number of accessibility aids and contains relevant articles on the subject.
great resources and videos
August 2008
Diva Project – Trac
(via)Diva is a a lightweight web framework for Python that is built on top of WSGI and integrated with the Genshi template engine. It also uses Babel for internationalization and WebOb for a more convenient abstraction on top of raw HTTP/WSGI.
Yet another Pythonic web framework.
Make your Data Web Friendly - W3C Q&A Weblog
(via)A Web language is not only a markup language (be XML, SGML or binary). For example, JPEG is not a Web format, but a format used on the Web. A Web format has the capability to play into the Web, it has linking capabilities.
merci Karl
Outstanding Elephant - jARIA
jARIA is a plugin for the jQuery javascript library that adds ARIA support to Web applications. It is based on a javascript library written for Mozilla by IBM.
it seems to be a good start
Geolocation Module API - Gears API - Google Code
The Geolocation module enables a web application to obtain a user's geographical position.
how evil is this?
July 2008
Dominiek.com | iPhone-App Development for Web Hackers
Note: I am very convinced that in order to learn any language, you should just jump in right away – don’t build useless example projects.
still not convinced that this is the future, but it can be interesting.
internex.ch in text/plain
by 2 othersVotre navigateur n'est ni Firefox, ni Internet Explorer. Afin de vous offrir la possibilité de pouvoir consulter notre liste de prix quelque soit votre navigateur, si vous vous connectez en n'utilisant ni Firefox ni Internet Explorer, une liste de prix au format texte vous sera affichée.
seen with Opera. It's far more usable by the way
June 2008
ncache - Google Code
by 4 others (via)a web cache system base on nginx web server. faster and more efficient than squid.
Ultimate multi-column liquid layouts (em and pixel widths)
by 4 othersThis series of layouts use pixel and em widths and relative positioning, and they work with all the common web browsers including Safari on the iPhone and iPod touch. They're also 'stackable' so you can use multiple column types on the one page.
liquid layout for the win!
AtomOwl Vocabulary Specification
AtomOwl is an ontology whose aim is to capture the semantics of rfc4287. RFC4287 is a format to syndicate online content, such as weblogs, podcasts, videocasts, etc. Syndication is a helpful way to alert interested readers to changes to a web site, be it to new content or changed content.
what about SIOC ?
Why Firefox's strict JavaScript warnings are wrong
Firefox offers a strict JavaScript checking option. It can be enabled by either setting 'javascript.options.strict' to 'true' in about:config, or by enabling 'strict JavaScript warnings' in the Web developer extension.
May 2008
Erlang Community - A fast web server demonstrating some undocumented Erlang features - Trapexit
by 1 otherThis HOWTO describes a web server written for the day when even Yaws is not quick enough.
Comet Daily » Blog Archive » 20,000 Reasons Why Comet Scales
After some recent optimizations, the Dojo Cometd implementation of the Bayeux protocol running on the Jetty web server can now handle up to 20,000 simultaneous users per server while maintaining sub-second latency.
impressive numbers. Does the Twisted one can beat that?
April 2008
Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
by 20 othersThe Exceptional Performance team has identified a number of best practices for making web pages fast. The list includes 34 best practices divided into 7 categories.
premature optimization is the root of all evil
CSS Variables
Since the release of CSS Level 2 Recommendation ten years ago in may 1998, the Web authors' community has been requesting a way of defining variables in CSS. Variables allow to define stylesheet-wide values identified by a token and usable in all CSS declarations. If a value is often used in a stylesheet - a common example is the value of the color or background-color properties - it's then easy to update the whole stylesheet statically or dynamically modifying just one variable instead of modifying all style rules applying the property/value pair.
Tonic: A RESTful Web App Development PHP Library
by 2 othersTonic is an open source less is more, RESTful Web application development PHP library designed to do things "the right way", where resources are king and the library gets out of the way and leaves the developer to get on with it.
web.py-like in PHP, more verbose though.
March 2008
Pylot | Open Source Web Performance Tool
by 3 othersPylot is a free open source tool for testing performance and scalability of web services. It runs HTTP load tests, which are useful for capacity planning, benchmarking, analysis, and system tuning.