public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tag scroll

September 2013

Face it

Prenez la place d’un médecin, appartenant à Médecins Sans Frontières, au cœur de l’une de ses interventions. Les missions auxquelles vous pouvez prendre part, en Haïti, République Démocratique du Congo ou au Tchad, sont directement inspirées des actions réelles menées par nos équipes dans le monde et des défis auxquels elles font face au quotidien.

Shorthand — Create epic stories

Shorthand is a customisable, easy-to-use platform set to provide a fresh take on traditional web publishing formats

Do you have a secret?

What would you do if the government asked you to hand over your computer?

August 2013

Epic Magazine


July 2013

Riding the New Silk Road - Interactive Feature -

The network of routes known as the Silk Road connected Asia and Europe for centuries before fading in importance in the 1400s. Now, Hewlett-Packard has revived the route as a faster, overland alternative to shipping electronics from China to European markets by sea. A look at one section of the modern-day route, now more commonly traveled by train instead of by camel.

June 2013

May 2013

Staring = Caring

Stare at hot girls to STOP AIDS NOW! #staringiscaring Olcay Gulsen, Tess Milne and Anna Nooshin don't mind you staring – just show you're caring. Go ahead and raise awareness for a skirt supporting women in Africa affected by HIV.

Le Quatre Heures

by 1 other
Chaque mercredi, à 16 heures pile, Le Quatre Heures propose un grand reportage multimédia. Une nouvelle expérience narrative qui entremêle texte, photo, vidéo et son dans une lecture fluide, en immersion et sans aucun clic. Un récit au long cours, surprenant, spectaculaire, à déguster confortablement installé.

scroll kit

Scroll kit is a new type of content editor that allows you to own the page in one click. It took The New York Times hundreds of hours to hand code "Snow Fall." ...we made a replica in an hour.

April 2013

March 2013

NASA: Prospect

Prospect is an interactive story of the planet prospectors, left behind by NASA to recover the golden objects scattered across the solar-system. Built by 5 students & their professor.

February 2013

SRF Dok - Seidenstrasse Webdok

by 2 others
Seidenstrasse is the german name for the legendary commercial route «Silk Road». It is a google maps-based interactive web documentary about the different countries and its people.