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PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tag privacy

16 October 2013 20:30

Reprenez le contrôle de vos données !

by 1 other
Le futur règlement européen protégeant notre vie privée est menacé par le lobby des géants de l'Internet, qui analysent tout ce que nous regardons et disons en ligne. Découvrez pourquoi ce règlement est important et comment ces lobbys sont en train de le changer. Appelez vos députés pour leur donner votre opinion avant le vote crucial du 21 octobre. Apprenez à échapper à ces entreprises en reprenant le contrôle de vos données.

15 October 2013 21:00

Amid NSA Outrage, Big Tech Companies Plan to Track You Even More Aggressively | Wired Business |

Some of the biggest companies in tech are assembling new forms of online tracking that would follow users more aggressively than the open technologies used today. Just this week, word arrived that Microsoft is developing such a system, following, apparently, in the footsteps of Google.

The benefits of a total surveillance state – Stuart Armstrong – Aeon

Big Brother not only watches your sex life, he analyses it. It sounds nightmarish — but it might be inevitable. So far, attempts to control surveillance have generally failed. We could be headed straight for the panopticon, and if recent news developments are any indication, it might not take that long to get there.

15 October 2013 20:45

Realistic Facebook Privacy Simulator - by UsVsTh3m

w long can you hold out? You'll see a short list of privacy questions and a ticking timer. Good luck.

14 October 2013 21:30 est une cartographie participative, collaborative et accessible au plus grand nombre. Elle permet de rendre visible la prolifération des caméras tout en collectant un maximum d’informations les concernant.

Mozilla — Your Privacy —

Putting you in control of your personal information at Mozilla

22 September 2013 00:00

Our data is our digital identity - and we need to reclaim control | Technology |

Director Cullen Hoback's campaigning documentary Terms & Conditions May Apply is a call to digital arms. He explains why now is the time to reclaim control of ourdigital privacy.

What’s the true value of your personal data? Meet the people who want to help you sell it - The Next Web

The idea of selling your personal data isn’t one that sits well with most people, yet.  Nonetheless, most people are doing so whether they know it or not. Those free social media networks that take massive corporations thousands of servers to keep running day-in, day-out are in most senses buying your data by providing you with a service you want.

Information Consumerism: The Price of Hypocrisy - Überwachung - FAZ

Even the best laws will not lead to a safer internet. We need a sharper picture of the information apocalypse that awaits us in a world where personal data is traded to avert the catastrophy.

02 September 2013 22:45

Newsbound - Cookie Dough: The Big Business Of Tracking You Online

Ever wonder why certain ads seem to follow you across the Internet? It all goes back to a little data file sitting on your hard drive right now. The Zero Knowledge Privacy Foundation explains the sprawling industry that specializes in monitoring your online activity.

02 September 2013 22:30

Newsbound - The Fine Print of Privacy

In the course of your digital life, you've likely clicked the "agree" button on countless privacy policies. The Zero Knowledge Privacy Foundation cuts through the legalese and tells you what you need to know about these important documents.

Newsbound - Why Privacy Matters

Some say you should only be concerned about privacy if you have something to hide. The Zero Knowledge Privacy Foundation hired Newsbound to help explain why this is the wrong way to think about the issue.

Do you have a secret?

What would you do if the government asked you to hand over your computer?

Fight for the Future, defending our basic rights and freedoms

Fight for the Future is dedicated to protecting and expanding the Internet's transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people.

02 September 2013 21:45

Just Delete Me

by 5 others
A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.