public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tag privacy

30 March 2014 11:00

Réseaux sociaux - UFC Que Choisir

L’UFC-Que Choisir vous propose de dire stop à ces pratiques inadmissibles et lance une campagne de mobilisation intitulée « Je garde la main sur mes données » !

25 March 2014 22:00

by 1 other allows you to view, edit, and remove information about yourself from Acxiom’s marketing database.

20 March 2014 23:00

Ennemis d’Internet

by 1 other
Les institutions au cœur du système de censure et de surveillance

Google Under Fire for Data-Mining Student Email Messages - Education Week

As part of a potentially explosive lawsuit making its way through federal court, giant online-services provider Google has acknowledged scanning the contents of millions of email messages sent and received by student users of the company’s Apps for Education tool suite for schools.

20 March 2014 22:45

Reset the Net

Don't ask for your privacy. Take it back. Governments have abused the Internet and twisted it beyond recognition. Now, we're taking it back. Are you in? Sign up to help Reset the Net.

23 February 2014 00:45

Nothing To Hide

an anti-stealth game where you are your own watchdog.

Nothing To Hide: an anti-stealth game where you are your own watchdog.

Why do you need privacy—do you have something to hide? That's the rationale behind the total-surveillance-accepting society in anti-stealth game Nothing To Hide.

22 February 2014 22:15


Security, simplified. Open Source security for mobile devices.

Silent Circle | Private Communications

The World's Most Secure Solution in Mobile Privacy Send Peer-to-Peer Encrypted Texts, Phone Calls, Video Calls, and File Transfers from Your Mobile Device.


Protect your private conversations with Seecrypt Mobile - a new software-only communications app and service which allows you to make and receive unlimited, secure voice calls and text messages between Seecrypt Mobile-enabled devices, anywhere in the world.

20 February 2014 17:00

:: Blackphone ::

Blackphone is the world's first smartphone to put privacy and control ahead of everything else. Ahead of carriers. Ahead of advertising. Blackphone is re-shaping the landscape of personal communications.

18 February 2014 23:15

What They Know - WSJ

by 1 other
Marketers are spying on Internet users -- observing and remembering people's clicks, and building and selling detailed dossiers of their activities and interests. The Wall Street Journal's What They Know series documents the new, cutting-edge uses of this Internet-tracking technology. The Journal analyzed the tracking files installed on people's computers by the 50 most popular U.S. websites, plus The Journal also built an "exposure index" -- to determine the degree to which each site exposes visitors to monitoring -- by studying the tracking technologies they install and the privacy policies that guide their use.

26 January 2014 15:15

A Death in the Database : The New Yorker

Then, unexpectedly, Ashley died. Less than a year later, last Thursday, her father received a promotional mailer from OfficeMax addressed to “Mike Seay/Daughter Killed in Car Crash/Or Current Business.”

23 December 2013 16:30

Managed bug bounty programs, better security testing | Bugcrowd

Security testing with unparalleled coverage. 5,000 Testers means your app is thoroughly tested. Bugcrowd utilizes the expertise of our testers to provide a better security solution.

18 December 2013 20:45

Téléchargez Cookieviz - CNIL - Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés

On connaissait l'extension Ligtbeam - anciennement Collusion - proposée par Mozilla pour le navigateur Firefox et qui permet de " pister les pisteurs du Web ". La Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés y va de sa pierre à l'édifice en proposant CookieViz qui se focalise sur les cookies.

14 December 2013 01:00

MyPermissions - Scan your permissions... Find out who gained access to your personal info.

by 2 others
PROTECT YOUR INFORMATION ONLINE Do you know how many apps access your Personal Information Online?

19 November 2013 08:45

by 1 other
They make money from your data. Why shouldn't you? Get Started

10 November 2013 12:15

Welcome to is the place where you can see just how much information your browser reveals about you and your system.

03 November 2013 19:00

Watch Dogs: Invasion_ | Polygon

by 1 other
Polygon's investigation of the surveillance technology being used by the real city of Chicago shows a truth uncomfortably close to the fiction.

03 November 2013 17:30

Surveiller les algorithmes | InternetActu

De plus en plus souvent, des algorithmes décident de notre rapport au monde. Que ce soit pour nous mettre en relation avec d'autres sur des sites de rencontres ou pour estimer notre capacité de crédit, pour nous diriger dans la ville via nos GPS voir même pour nous autoriser à retirer de l'argent à un distributeur automatique..

02 November 2013 02:30

29 October 2013 18:00

Three degrees of separation: breaking down the NSA's 'hops' surveillance method

You don’t need to be talking to a terror suspect to have your communications data analysed by the NSA. The agency is allowed to travel “three hops” from its targets – who could be people who talk to people who talk to people who talk to you. Facebook, where the typical user has 190 friends, shows how three degrees of separation gets you to a network bigger than the population of Colorado. How many people are three “hops” from you?

20 October 2013 17:45

Make the web faster, more private, and more secure | Disconnect 2 | Disconnect

by 2 others
Used by over a million people, Disconnect lets you visualize & block the invisible websites that track you

18 October 2013 23:45

10 Minute Mail

by 18 others
Libérez-vous du spam avec le meilleur service de mail jetable.

17 October 2013 21:00

Enjoy your privacy

by 1 other
Snoop through 7 mobiles to find the secrets people hide in this dual screen interactive story.