Ghost - Just a blogging platform
Ghost is a platform dedicated to one thing: Publishing. It's beautifully designed, completely customisable and completely Open Source. Ghost allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even fun to do. It's simple, elegant, and designed so that you can spend less time messing with making your blog work - and more time blogging.
Syria News | Covering the Crisis
Syria Deeply is an independent digital media project led by journalists and technologists, exploring a new model of storytelling around a global crisis. Our goal is to build a better user experience of the story by adding context to content, using the latest digital tools of the day. Over time the hope is to add greater clarity, deeper understanding, and more sustained engagement to the global conversation.
by 1 otherAt Tapastic, we believe in the profound effects a story can have on us and the incredible value we as readers can take away from them if presented in the right manner - as great as books may be, not many of us have the time to sit down and read Stephen King nowadays. While we aren’t implying that it’s time to pull away from the classics, we do believe that there is a more entertaining way of consuming content: Visual Stories. That’s what Tapastic is built around and that’s what we are excited to share with all of you!
Magnum Foundation: Emergency Fund
The Emergency Fund supports experienced photographers with a commitment to documenting social issues, working long-term, and engaging with an issue over time. Projects address critical global issues that have not received the attention they deserve, or budding crises that are still over the horizon. Photographers retain the copyright to their work and distribute it widely: through traditional and new media, in collaboration with nonprofits or NGOs, and on the Emergency Fund website.
by 1 otherLes journalistes, les medias, cherchent en permanence des sources d'information, d'expertise, de témoignages... Trop souvent, nous voyons les mêmes témoins ou candidats devant notre petit écran, entendons les mêmes experts à la radio, ou lisons les mêmes témoignages dans les journaux ou sur internet.
>> VoxForte donne au monde des medias le moyen de trouver de nouvelles sources, facilement et rapidement.
Cowbird · A witness to life
Cowbird is a small community of storytellers, focused on a deeper, longer-lasting, more personal kind of storytelling than you’re likely to find anywhere else on the Web.
by 6 othersKonbini, c'est du contenu gratuit financé par la pub et le parrainage des marques, mais pas du contenu publicitaire.
Créée en début d'année par David Creuzot et Lucie Beudet, les deux fondateurs de Pekin, qui a fusionné en 2006 avec la Chose. La société se présente comme une "plate-forme interactive de divertissement premium, légale et gratuite, qui propose des programmes exclusifs pour les 15/35 ans." Son objectif : offrir un portail de contenus exclusifs vidéo et de qualité aux internautes, et se rémunérer en proposant aux marques de s'y associer.
(8 marks)