public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tag facebook

February 2013

(1) Orange France

l’application Facebook “Fabulous Story“ où les données du profil Facebook serve à retracer la vie de l’internaute façon album de star, avec voix-off, musique et discours du président himself !

December 2012

The Making of Fastbook: An HTML5 Love Story | Blog | Sencha

by 2 others
When a team has problems with HTML5, it usually stems from the fact that they take a “website” development approach to building an app, and often don't use the right tools and architectures for application development. This is what we suspected about the Facebook HTML5 app. The way that app performed — slow loading, choppy user experience in the News Feed, low framerate — exhibited the usual symptoms.

November 2012

October 2012

Give Me My Data | A Facebook application to reclaim your information

Give Me My Data is a Facebook application that helps users export their data out of Facebook for reuse in visualizations, archives, or any possible method of digital storytelling. Data can be exported in common formats like CSV, XML, and JSON as well as customized network graph formats.


by 4 others
The social media hub for hashtags

Byzantium Security International

by 1 other (via)
série Hunted prévu le 19 octobre sur la chaîne câblée premium Cinemax. Le site propose de faire des tests de personnalités ( au terme desquels la compagnie détermine s’il est apte à être recruté comme agent pour mener à bien ses activités d’espionnage industriel. Ce « recrutement » permet d’immerger le potentiel spectateur dans l’univers de la série.

September 2012


Our social networks are noisy, and only getting worse -- it’s a constant leakage of great content. Undrip stops that leaky faucet. We make it easy to discover the best of what your friends are sharing from around the web.

August 2012

Fun Audit

Kraft is running the Trident Fun Audit site, online at, a Facebook Connect experience design to help people answer the question, “How much fun are you having?” The site dives into a visitor’s Facebook profile in unprecedented detail, recognizing hundreds of key words and serving up one of hundreds of relevant quotes. The Fun Audit searches your pokes, check-ins, friends, LOLs, comments, photo albums and more to give users an experience unlike any they’ve ever had, all to point to Trident Gum as a source of ongoing fun.

Sip It Up

by 1 other
Abuse of cough syrup is on the rise among teenagers. Thousands of teens on Facebook list "Robotripping" as one of their Interests. Instead of trying to curb that trend by creating preachy television commercials, we decided to reach them through an intense peer-to-peer social campaign. The Sipitup App scrapes your Facebook info to deliver a personalized Robotrip experience.

Facebook Stories - People using Facebook in extraordinary ways

by 2 others
Welcome to Facebook Stories, a new site dedicated to sharing the extraordinary, quirky and thought-provoking stories and ideas from the more than 950 million people around the world who make up Facebook's community.

June 2012

Get the Daily Briefing Your top stories from Facebook and Twitter delivered to your inbox

May 2012

America 2049 - You Change America, Before it Changes You.

Play new Facebook game, America 2049. Human rights are in peril, democracy in the dust. You: an agent of the Council on American Heritage. Your mission: nab a terrorist—and change the future. Play and learn whose side you're on. America 2049 est un jeu vidéo web-based à mi-chemin entre ARG et RPG. Il plonge le joueur dans une dystopie où, en tant que membre du Council of American Heritage, il doit se confronter à des problématiques liées à l’esclavage sexuel, la discrimination raciale, l'avortement, l'immigration, la religion, le travail ou encore aux LGBT (c'est vrai que certains sujets sont particulièrement sensibles aux USA, oui Palin et Justin on pense à vous).

March 2012

February 2012

January 2012

Create Your Timeline

Facebook lance en collaboration avec une agence Web une application qui vous permet de créer le film de votre Journal (Timeline). Timeline Movie Maker, c’est le nom de cette application, agrège des photos, lieux et vidéos que vous avez publiés sur Facebook en une vidéo d’une minute.

by 2 others
Clean Your Apps Permissions Try guessing how many apps have permissions to access your private information... Now click the icons and get ready for a surprise!

December 2011


Welcome to AudioVroom, your social playlist generator, where music is collaborative, like getting a mix tape. Our app allows users to follow the musical preferences of their Facebook friends. It is like having the world’s largest music collection in your pocket (millions of songs) and all of your friends’ favorite playlists to enjoy.

Chaîne de TheInsideExperience - YouTube

Christina Perasso (Emmy Rossum) woke up trapped in a room, with only a laptop and an internet connection. She doesn't know where she is or who took her. But with the help of her friends, family -- and a couple thousand new Facebook friends -- she's trying to find a way out. Though, her captor isn't making it too easy for anyone.