public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tags ubiquity & firefox

10 February 2009

Ecrire sa première commande Ubiquity

by 2 others
Ubiquity est ce projet des laboratoire Mozilla pour essayer de renouveler l'interface en proposant aux internautes d'effectuer des actions en tapant des commandes dans un langage relativement naturel. Créer de nouvelles commandes est très simple, à la portée de n'importe qui ayant quelques notions de JavaScript.

Make Ubiquity Your Ultimate Firefox Commander

One of the niftiest Firefox add-ons to come out of Mozilla Labs is Ubiquity, a natural language commander that adds killer functionality on-page in Firefox. Let's take a closer look.

08 January 2009

The Ultimate List of Custom Ubiquity Verbs

by 1 other
With all the news about Chrome, it's been pretty easy to forget about one of Firefox's recent releases: Ubiquity. We gave Ubiquity a rave review for giving Firefox a whole new UI. The standard commands, or "verbs", that come with Ubiquity are great. Yet we couldn't help but want more. Developers have been working around the clock to produce some fantastic custom verbs for Ubiquity. Here is ReadWriteWeb's list of the top picks of custom Ubiquity verbs!

ghis's TAGS related to tag ubiquity

cli +   firefox +   tips +   tuto +   ui +