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PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tag php





Advanced symfony Techniques

Symfony advance techniques: host aware routes, embedded forms, security, apache tricks.


Overview of Symfony2

PHP Variable and Array Tests

by 3 others (via)
A reminder of condition test results with php. Really a mess!

High Scalability - High Scalability - 6 Ways to Kill Your Servers - Learning How to Scale the Hard Way

Interesting article about scaling a website : caching, alternative webserver, replication, take care of not messing the filesystem, ... The comments are interesting too. » Quick Start Symfony DI (Dependency Injection) Tutorial

A quick tutorial explaining the Symfony Dependency Injection component. Used for inversion of control and to manage easily of all the dependencies of the classes.

NGINX + PHP-FPM + APC = Awesome

by 2 others (via)
nginx + php + apc is faster than mod_php apache mode. Here is how to install and setup it up.

padraic's mockery at master - GitHub

by 1 other (via)
Une librairie pour créer facilement des mocks à utiliser pour les tests unitaires.

Symfony 2 – L’injection de dépendances | Le blog technique de la team ELAO

Premier article d'une série expliquant l'injection de dépendances dans Symfony 2.

PHP & MongoDB Sitting in a Tree: Part 1 | Inside DealTaker

by 2 others (via)
"Yet another MongoDB and PHP tutorial, say it ain’t so! Well yes, but this tutorial aims to be more complete than the others out there."

• Why are interfaces widely ignored in the PHP world and what use do they have when working with symfony? |

"Every once in a while I stumble upon interfaces or somebody mentions them to me. Whenever this happens I realise that the use of Interfaces as an OOP key feature in PHP is next to none at all. But why is that?"

TwitterAlikeExample - redis - Project Hosting on Google Code

A simple real app exemple coded in PHP with redis as a database.

Dailymotion - La dure vie des développeurs web - une vidéo Comédie et Humour

Encore une parodie de la scène de «der unterdang», sur le thème du développement web.

jwage's odm at master - GitHub

The DoctrineODMMongo namespace is an experimental project for a PHP 5.3 MongoDB Object Mapper.

ServerGrove Blog » Blog Archive » MongoDB with PHP and symfony

by 2 others (via)
Example of how to use MongoDB with PHP and Symfony. Introduction to ODM, part of Doctrine.

Rasmus Lerdorf - Wikiquote

Some quotes from the creator of PHP. Frightening :)

High Scalability - High Scalability - Digg: 4000% Performance Increase by Sorting in PHP Rather than MySQL

by 1 other (via)
O'Reilly Radar's James Turner conducted a very informative interview with Joe Stump, current CTO of SimpleGeo and former lead architect at Digg, in which Joe makes some of his usually insightful comments on his experience using Cassandra vs MySQL.