lazygit deep dive - Introduction to a new series | oliverguenther.de
An in-depth series about lazygit
Rebasing dependent branches with Git (Example)
Example of how to keep main, feature and workpackage branches in sync with git rebase.
git assume-unchanged vs skip-worktree - FallenGameR's blog — LiveJournal
Commit config file but then ignore local changes
git - How can I remove a commit on github? - Stack Overflow
"Undo" the last commit to a remote Git repository.
nvie/gitflow - GitHub
(via)A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
A successful Git branching model » nvie.com
by 7 othersA very well explained and detailed workflow for branching with git.
Djangy - Instant deployment and scaling for your Django applications
(via)Deploy and scale Django apps instantly.
Never configure apache. Forget about the headaches of virtual hosting. Only pay for what you use.
Push your code to Djangy and we'll do the rest!
nvie's gitflow at develop - GitHub
(via)A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
The Real Difference Between Mercurial and Git / Steve Losh
(via)Git and Mercurial differences : feeling (Git is powerful but complex to use) and Github is better than BitBucket.
The Perfect Git Workflow for a One Person Project // Kyle Slattery
A git workflow when working alone on a project. Interesting use of git rebase to prevent merge conflicts. This workflow is intended for one person: rebasing on a branch is messy if someone else has a copy of it.
Using Git Branches as Patches // Kyle Slattery
Use git branches as patches: if you have a master and a dev branches, create a new X branch from master (the prod branch), commit, merge into dev with the --no-ff option, and when if it works as expected, merge the X branch into the master.
Using Git to maintain your blog | Mate-driven development
(via)Basic workflow for maintaining a blog using Git: a local repository, a remote repository (and a bare) and some hooks to sync the repos and generate the blog.
Héberger un serveur Git avec Gitosis (Linux / OSX) « Git Attitude
by 1 otherHost a Git server on Linux.
LakTEK – Handy Git commands that saves my day
by 1 other (via)How to use some non-trivial Git commands that are very useful.
Gérez vos codes sources avec Git
by 1 other (via)Tutoriel du "site du zéro" à propos de Git. Bonne entrée en matière, bien vulgarisé.
Git Reference
by 3 others (via)This is the Git reference site. This is meant to be a quick reference for learning and remembering the most important and commonly used Git commands. The commands are organized into sections of the type of operation you may be trying to do, and will preset the common options and commands needed to accomplish these common tasks.
gist: 370230 - A list of Gist clients.- GitHub
(via)Want to create a Gist from your editor, the command line, or the Services menu? Here's how.